Chapter 24

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As soon as he spotted me, he walked over to me. He looked very angry.

"Why won't you come back to me, Jasmine?!" he asked.

"How did you know where i was?" i asked.

"I heard about you on the radio!" he said.

"Well, you need to go. This is a professional place," i said.

"I'm not going anywhere! No, we're going to discuss a few things," he said.


"I told you not to call me that!" he yelled.

He raised his hand to hit me but Johnny stopped it. He stood in front of me.

"Look, i don't know who you think you are but-" Terrell cut Johnny off.

"I think i'm her fiance," said Terrell.

"No, not anymore! I hate you! I will never marry you! Never!" i yelled.

"Yes you will! Whether you like it or not," replied Terrell.

"I think you should go," said Johnny.

Terrell looked at both of us. He smiled and nodded his head.

"I see what's going on here. You and Mr. Hollywood, are having a affair!" said Terrell.

"No, we're not! Because you and me are over! Do i have to spell it out for you? O-V-E-R, OVER!" i yelled.

"We're not over until i say so, bitch!" he yelled.

Tim stepped in.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, sir. Or i will have to call security," he said.

"You think just because you're famous you can tell me what to do?" asked Terrell.

"I'm asking you nicely," said Tim.

"Just go! Get out of here!" i yelled.

"I'm not going anywhere!" yelled Terrell.

Tim pulled his walkie talkie out.

"Security, please come to room 204," he said into it.

"Why can't you just take a hint and leave her alone?" asked Johnny.

"Because she's mine," said Terrell.

"She's not a item so she's not yours," said Johnny.

"Shut up. You don't care about her. All you want from her is sex. You don't give a fuck about her," said Terrell.

"That's ridiculous. I love her. You don't care about her at all. You're a punk. You don't deserve someone as amazing as her," said Johnny.

"That's it, pretty boy!" Terrell yelled before punching Johnny in the face. I ran to him.

"Are you okay?" i asked worriedly.

"Yes, i'm fine," said Johnny.

I stormed over to Terrell.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" i asked.

He slapped me hard. I fell over.

"Where is security?" asked Tim.

Security came into the room. Tim pointed at Terrell. They grabbed him and began to escort him out.

"You broke my heart, now i'm going to get revenge," said Terrell.

"Oh, just shut up," said Tim.

I relaxed as soon as he was out of sight. Johnny helped me up off the floor.

Dangerous Desires (Johnny Depp fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora