Chapter 3

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"So, where are we going?" i asked.

"The club! Duh! We're going to get our drink on and have some fun!" said Alina.

When we got to the club, a tall man asked for our id's at the door. We showed them to him. He let us in. As soon as i got inside, i could hear the loud music blasting throughout the club. As we walked in more, i saw a big dance floor with lots of people dancing. Many of them were grinding. I shook my head. What is wrong with people?

Alina ran to the bar. I followed her. By the time i got to the bar, she was flirting with the bartender. He had a big smile on his face.

"Hey, can you get me and my friend something to drink?" she asked, getting all up in his face.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"What do you recommend?" she asked.

He picked up two shot glasses and filled them with a red liquid. He gave them to us. Me and Alina picked up the glasses and drank the liquid. It burned my throat a little.

"How much do i owe you?" asked Alina.

"It's on me," said the man.

She smiled.

"You're so nice. How can i repay you?" she asked.

He leaned in and kissed her. She kissed him back. Well, this was awkward. I walked off as her and the man made out.

As i was walking, i ran into someone. It was a man. He was very good looking.

"Oops, i'm sorry," i said.

"It's okay," he said with a small smile.

"What's your name?" i asked.

"Justin," he said. What a sexy name. Shit, what am i thinking?

"I'm Jasmine," i said.

"Well Jasmine, would you like to dance?" he asked.

Even though it felt wrong, i nodded. He lead me to the dance floor. We started dancing. It was really fun. Until, he tried to kiss me.

"I'm sorry, i can't kiss you," i said.

"If you don't want to kiss here, we can do it back at my place. I promise you won't regret it," he said with a inappropriate tone. I immediately saw my mistake. I'm so dumb.

"Excuse me? Hell no," i said, starting to walk off the dance floor. He grabbed my wrist stopping me. Then, he grabbed my ass. That's it, this has gone too far.

"Don't ever touch me!" i yelled.

"Come on, don't play hard to get," he said.

"Shut the fuck up!" i screamed. I realized that everyone had stopped dancing and they were staring at us.

All of the sudden, Alina was next to me.

"What's going on here?" she asked.

"This asshole just grabbed my ass! He tried to make me go to his house!" i said.

Alina shot Justin a death glare. He looked a little scared.

"How dare you touch her! She's about to be married!" yelled Alina.

Gasps came from all around.

"Look, i didn't know," he said.

"Oh, you didn't? Well, now you do!" she punched him very hard. Damn. I didn't know she could punch so hard. She started to kick him. Everyone starting recording the fight on their phones. There were screams everywhere.

"Security!" called a voice. Suddenly, we were both grabbed and the next thing i knew, we were outside.

"I can't believe we just got kicked out of a club," i said.

"Isn't it amazing! This is one of the best days ever! We have to get crazier!" she said, running back to her car. We got back in and drove off.

"Where to now?" i asked.

"Let's go see a movie! I really want to see 22 jump street! The first one was so good!" she said.

Before we went to the movies, we stopped at a gas station and bought a bunch of snacks. The food at movie theaters were always so expensive. We bought the things and stuffed them in our purses.

At the movie theater, we hoped that no one would check out bags. Luckily, they didn't. We sat down and watched the movie. When it was over, i was a little sad. It was so funny! We disposed of our garbage in the bathroom and left the theater.

As we drove, i noticed it was starting to get late. Maybe i should go home now. I had to be home by 9pm and if i wasn't, i don't know what Terrell would do. I wish i could tell Alina about my curfew. But i just couldn't. She would be so pissed off.

"You know, maybe we should just call it a night. I'm getting a little tired," i said.

She frowned.

"What? No Jas! We can't end the night yet! Just one more place! Pleeeeaaasseee?" she begged.

She was like a little kid. Very hard to satisfy or please.

"Alright, fine," i said.

We drove for a little more until we reached a small building. It had neon welcome signs all over the front of it. I knew where we were.

"Really, a bar?" i asked her. She smiled and got out the car. I got out too and followed her.

Inside, the bar was full of people. Some people were playing cards. Probably even gambling. After skimming the room, Alina started to walk over to a table of young men. Probably college boys. I wished she hadn't.

"Hey, can we play?" asked Alina.

One of the boys smiled.

"Sure. Sit down," he said. We sat down.

"Can we get you girls a drink?" asked another boy.

"Yes. Bring us some shots!" said Alina.

As we started to play poker, i knew some crazy stuff was about to go down.


I finished my 3rd shot, feeling a little dizzy. I was drinking way slower than anyone else.

"2 more shots!" said the boy who had brought us our drinks.

"I don't know guys," i said.

"Two more shots! Two more shots! Two more shots!" everyone started chanting in unison.

I gave in and drank them both. Everyone cheered for me.

After a few minutes, i started to feel really drunk. I got on top of the table and jumped all around. The bartender told me to get down. I put both my middle fingers up at her before jumping down.

"I'm hella wasted!" i cried.

"Hella wasted! Hella wasted!" everyone began chanting. As i was pumping my fists in the air, i saw a clock on the wall. When i saw the time, i was knocked back into reality. I needed to get home. NOW.

"Alina! We need to go!" i said to her. I realized she wasn't listening when i saw her making out with one of the boys. Well, i guess i'll have to find a different way home.

I walked out the bar and took out my phone to call a taxi. I saw that i had over 30 missed calls. Damn.

When the taxi got to the bar, i jumped in.

As soon as we got to the apartment, i paid the driver and got out. The cab drove away, leaving me in the dark.

I entered the apartment and went up to Shelia's room to get Georgie. After that, i walked up to my room. I took my key out of my purse and unlocked the door, not knowing what was awaiting me.

Dangerous Desires (Johnny Depp fanfiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن