Chapter 33

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When we got to the kitchen, Amber pushed me. I fell and hit the floor like a rock.

"Get up!" she yelled.

She grabbed my arm and pulled me.


"Well maybe if you didn't push me so hard, i would be able to get up faster," i said.

As i got back on my feet, she pressed the gun against my forehead.

"You need to stop talking so much," she said.

You know, i will say at first i was pretty scared that i was going to die. But the longer i was at this house and near Amber, i started to not even care anymore. Don't get me wrong, i was still scared. I was just feeling more brave. I started walking toward her. She backed away. I noticed her hands were starting to shake.

"Why don't you just kill me? Go ahead. If you're going to do it, do it. Just know this, you're percect little Hollywood career will be ruined."

When i mentioned her career, she looked a little nervous.

"My career?" she asked.

"Yes, you're career. Look, is this really worth it? Stupid revenge? Is having your whole career ruined worth it?"

She definitely was thinking this over. Maybe i had changed her mind. I realized i was wrong as soon as i saw her start to smile.

"Oh no. You're not getting out of this that easily. Nice try though," she said.

Johnny's pov

Terrell bent down in front of me and punched me.

"God, what was that for?!" i asked.

"Nothing. I just felt like punching you," he said.

He clicked his gun and pointed it at my head.

"Okay, enough waiting. Goodbye, pretty boy."

"Wait!" i yelled.

"What is it?!"

"Why can't you at least give me a fair chance?" i asked.

"At what?"

"At fighting you. Why do you have to have me tied up? If you were a real man, you would kill me like a man."

"Oh and how exactly do you kill someone like a man?"

"Fighting them to the death," i said.

He looked like he was considering what i said. He dropped the gun from my head and sighed heavily.

"Fine. Only because i don't want to kill you like a little girl."

He pulled a knife from his pocket. How much stuff could his pockets hold? He cut my hands and legs free. I stood up.

"So, we're fighting to the death?" he asked.


I rolled my shirt sleeves up, ready to fight. I knew he was probably one million times stronger than me. But maybe if i fought as much as i could, i would be able to beat him.

"Let's do this," he said, putting his gun back in his pocket.

We stood across from each other.

I was the one who threw the first punch. It hit him straight in the nose. He seemed suprised that i had actually hit him. That was quickly replaced with anger. He ran towards me and punched me very hard across the face. I didn't let the numbness in my face stop me. I threw two more punches at him. They both hit him in the face. He groaned and grabbed his nose. When he let go, i noticed he had blood sliding out. Gross.

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