Chapter 29

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As we sat in the parking lot at Subway in Johnny's car, i chewed slowly and carefully on my sandwich. I made sure i tasted every bit. This could be my last meal if Terrell hasn't been arrested yet. Johnny watched me from the front seat, puzzled. I knew i probably looked mad, but i didn't care.

Johnny's pov

I was so confused. Why was she eating so strangely? She seemed...distant. I think i knew why. She was distant because of Terrell. It was the fear of the unknown for her.

Jasmine's pov

"Why are you eating like that?" he asked. His forehead was wrinkled from the big frown across his face.

"I don't know. I just am," i mumbled.

"Jasmine, i think we both know why you're eating like that. You're worried about what will happen with Terrell," he said.

I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Just hearing his name freaked me out. It felt like a pair of hands were sqeezing my stomach. I felt the contents inside churn around. I lost my appetite and threw the sandwich back in its Subway bag.

"I don't want to talk about him," i said weakly.

His frown disappeared which left his face emotionless.

"Okay, fine. Whatever," he said.

I hated that i had upset him. This situation was ruining everything!

"Can you call Tim so you can ask him about the...issue?" i asked.

He didn't say a word. He just slipped his phone out of his pocket, dialed Tim's number and put it on speaker. Tim answered after 3 rings.

"Hello? Johnny?" asked Tim.

"Yeah, it's me. Um, i just need to ask you a quick question," said Johnny.

"What is it?" asked Tim.

"I wanted to know if the police have arrested Terrell yet?" asked Johnny.

There was a pause. A very long pause. It felt like forever until Tim's voice came back.

"Yes. The police came to his apartment and arrested him. He's in custody."

I was too happy! I couldn't believe it! I was finally free from that asshole. I had been waiting for this day for 3 years and it's finally here!

"That's great!" exclaimed Johnny.

"Mmmhhmm. Now, if you'll excuse me, i have to go review some scenes from filming earlier. See you later."

Tim hung up. Johnny looked at me. I looked back.

"Jasmine, come here."

I threw myself into his arms. I started crying tears of joy.

"It's over! It's finally over!" i said happily.

"Yes it is. And you know what this calls for? A celebration!" he said.

"Yes, let's celebrate! Where do you want to go?" i asked.

"How about we just hang out at my place?" he asked.

"Sounds like a plan," i said, "let's roll."

He started the car and off we went to his house.


We entered his house, hand in hand.

"So what do you want to do first?" i asked.

I watch him as he thought. Suddenly, his face brightened.

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