Chapter 15

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It was finally lunch time. I hadn't got much work done. Only 2 lines of my 5th song. I needed to work harder. But it's hard to work hard when you are thinking about your hurt 9 month old son in the hospital.

I needed something. Something that i had given up about a year ago. I dialed Ed's work number. He answered immediately.

"Hello?" he said.

"Ed, it's Jasmine. Can you bring me some cigarettes?" i asked.

"What brand do you want?" he asked.

"It doesn't matter," i said.

"Okay, i'll bring it to your office soon," he said. I hung up.

In only 3 minutes, Ed brought by the cigarettes.

I stood up from the piano and left my office. I needed a smoke. I stepped outside and opened the package. I took one out and held it in my mouth. I put the package in my purse and dug inside for my lighter. I realized, Terrell took it away when i stopped smoking. Great.

As i leaned against the brick wall outside, the exit door opened to reveal Johnny. Half of me was very happy to see him while the other half was annoyed and angry. He looked at me intently.

"Hey," he said.

"Hi," i said.

"How are you?" he asked.

I put on a fake smile.

"Fine. I just need a lighter right now," i said, showing him the cigarette.

"You smoke?" he asked.

"I stopped last year. But now i just need a cigarette," i said.

He reluctantly pulled a blue lighter from his pocket. He handed it to me.

"Thanks," i said. I lit the cigarette and took a drag. It only burned my throat a little. I gave him the lighter back.

"So, what happened after you left last night?" he asked.

I knew it was only a matter of time until he asked.

"Nothing. I just went home and went to sleep," i said.

Johnny's pov

I knew she was lying. She couldn't just say she was fine and expect me to believe it. She looked like crap. What had that man done?

"Are you sure that's all that happened?" i asked.

"Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Well, you look really bad," i said.

Maybe i shouldn't have flat out said that. That was a little rude. Luckily, she just laughed. It was a genuine laugh. But i knew that didn't mean she was feeling any better.

"I just had a rough night. And trouble," she said. I wouldn't question her anymore. For now.

Jasmine's pov

"So, what happened after you left last night?" i asked.

"I went to the bar and had a few drinks," he said.

"Oh. Really?" i said, "what else did you do?"

"I went home and went to bed."

"Are you sure nothing else happened?" i asked.

"Well...i did get in a small fight with Amber," he said.

I inhaled as much smoke as i could from the cigarette and exhaled.

"Can i have a drag?" he asked.

I didn't see why he couldn't light his own. Him asking that made me remember him and Amber smoking together. A rush of jealousy ran through me. Or at least i think it was jealously.

"Yeah," i said.

I handed him the cigarette. He took in the smoke slowly. Oh, he was so cute. He exhaled and handed it back.

"What was the fight about?" i asked.

"Well, she accused me of cheating on her and since i wouldn't admit it she slept in a extra room," he said.

"That's not too suprising," i said.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked.

"I mean she is kind of the jealous type. Everyone in America knows that. She's probably so insecure about her and her relationship that she always feels like she has competition even when she doesn't," i said.

He laughed a little.

"And how would you know?" he asked.

"Remember when i walked past you and Amber at McDonald's?" i asked. He nodded.

"Well, i could just feel how jealous she felt. I bet she asked who i was and how you knew me, didn't she?" i asked.

"Uh...yeah. But-"

"No, no buts! That's proves it!" i said.

Johnny's pov

I feel kind of bad for agreeing with Jasmine on what she said about Amber. But it is sort of true. Amber gets jealous too easily.

Jasmine's pov

We were silent for a few moments.

"Can i ask you something?" he asked.

"Yes, what is it?" i replied.

"Why did you stop yesterday?" he asked.

I didn't know how to answer even though i knew why. I think i knew why.

"Look, i think i should just get back to work," i said, dropping my cigarette and stomping on it.

"Jasmine, wait!" he called but i didn't turn around to talk. I walked back inside the studio and went back to my office. I shut my door and cried. I had too much on my plate.

First off, my baby was in a hospital. Second, my ex boyfriend was going to hunt me down. Third, i still had 5 songs that needed to be finished. And fourth, the most important, i didn't know how i felt about Johnny. It's as if last night i knew what i wanted but now, i didn't know. What did i want? Did i even really care about him? I don't know.
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Yeah i know, short chapters suck :( the only reason this one is short is because the next one is going to be long. That means you'll have to wait a little longer for the update. But i will get it done! :)


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