Chapter 18

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Johnny's pov

My heart nearly broke when she said she hated me. I wanted to tell Amber to take back what she said. That was so uncalled for and rude. But i didn't want her to be even more angry at me than she already was. Either way though, she would be mad with me. She knew what we had done.

"Can you believe her?" asked Amber.

She moved the bags she had been carrying to the couch me and Jasmine had just been on.

"Amber, you shouldn't have said what you did. That was wrong and rude," i said. She looked at me, clearly annoyed.

"Stop standing up for that loser," she said, "or maybe you're just standing up for her because you want to fuck her!"

She began to stomp up the staircase.

"I don't want to fuck her! I just care about her!" i yelled while following after her.

"Why do you care about her so much? Do you like her?" she asked.

"No!" i replied. I didn't believe myself.

"Baby, don't lie to me. I need to know. I don't want to waste my time with you," she said.

"I'm not lying," i said.

"Well then can you tell me why you care about her so much?" she asked.

"She's just a close friend," i said.

"Yeah, a close friend that you kissed!" she yelled.

I snarled.

"You're impossible!" i yelled.

"Am i? Tell me, do you love her?" she asked.

"Amber, i-"

"No, do you love her?" she asked.

I couldn't lie. A relationship never lasts when you lie. I found that out a long time ago.

"Yes. I do," i said. She walked to our room and began to pack her things.

"Where are you going?" i asked.

"I'm leaving. I don't want to be around you," she said.

"Amber, you're being ridiculous! I barely love her-"

"No, who do you love more? Me or her?" she asked.

I knew the answer immediately. It was the truth.

"I love J-Jasmine more," i said.

Amber shook her head. I watched as she packed the rest of her bag. When she was done, she walked over to me with the bag in her hand.

"Just in case you couldn't guess, we're through," she took off her engagement ring and threw it at me. She gave me one last bitter look before she left.

Great. I had chased off two girls today. One that i really loved and one that i thought i loved. I guess i really am a monster.

I needed to get Jasmine back. I knew she had told me she hated me and not to call her but i couldn't listen. I loved her.

Jasmine's pov

As i waited for my mom, the front door to Johnny's house opened to reveal Amber. I stopped crying. She frowned when she saw me. I noticed she had a big bag in her hand. She shut the door.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" she asked.

"What the hell are you still doing here?" i repeated. She rolled her eyes.

"I don't have time for you, bitch," she said.

I had about had it with her.

"Fuck you! Go to fucking hell, you slut!!" i yelled.

I saw my mom's car pull up in the driveway. I stood up, my legs still a bit wobbly.

"I bet you wish you had a ride, don't you?" i said with a smirk.

I began to walk away from her.

"Such a shame that all that make up caked on your face is going to be ruined by the rain," i said.

"Can you stop it?" she asked.

"Nope!" i yelled.

"Fuck you," she said.

"When?" i asked sarcastically. I walked to my mom's car. I got in, causing the seat to get wet.

"Honey, what's going on? Are you oka-"

"Mom, just drive! I don't feel like talking!" i yelled. She backed out the driveway. I rolled down my window and stuck a hand out. I flipped Amber off. As soon as she was out of sight, i rolled my window up.

For a few minutes, the only sounds between me and my mom was the windshield wipers.

"Jasmine, i need to know everything that's going on and i need to know now," said my mom.

Tears started to blur my vision.

"As soon as Georgie died...everything about me changed. I'm no longer the two faced girl. One side happy, one side screwed up. All of me is screwed up now. His death broke me," i said.

"Honey, you're not screwed up. You're just grieving-"

"No! No, i'm not! I'm tired of you people saying that!" i yelled.

I was silent for a moment.

"I decided that i had nothing left to live for. So, i snuck into the medicine room at the hospital and took some sleeping pills. I went to the bridge, climbed on top of it and hoped when i passed out, i would fall into the water and drown," i said.

My mom gasped.

"How could you-"

"I woke up at Johnny's house," i said, ignoring her.

"Why were you at his house?" she asked.

"We are working on the same movie so we've been talking a little. We kind of kissed too," i said.

"Well, that's nice," she said.

"No, it's not. This was all a huge mistake. I shouldn't have ever accepted this job," i said.

We remained silent for a few moments.

"What happened while you were at his house?" she asked.

"We talked a little and as we did, Amber came home," i said.

"Isn't Amber his fiance?" she asked.

"Sadly, yes. Me and her started fighting and i got kicked out by Johnny," i said.

"That must have hurt you," she said.

"That's a understatement. It broke my heart," i said.

"Well, maybe this is for the best. Maybe you and him were just never meant to be," she said.

"Yeah, maybe you're right," i said.

Maybe she was right. Maybe i should just forget about Johnny.

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