Chapter 16

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After work, my mom picked me up from the studio.

"Do you want to go visit Georgie?" she asked.

"Yeah, let's go," i said.

I needed to see my baby. I hoped he would be better. Or at least look better.

I was disappointed when we arrived in his room. He looked even worse than yesterday.

"Has he woken up?" i asked the nurse who had took us to his room.

"No, not yet. He hasn't moved or made a sound," she said.

I stroked his bandaged head.

"Hi, baby. How are you? I'm doing okay. Mommy is just going through a lot," i said gently.

No response. He just layed there. I couldn't imagine having him on life support for months. I couldn't stand seeing him this way. I needed him back to his usual self.

The doctor from yesterday entered the room.

"Hi, Ms. Merdita," he said.

"Hi," i murmured, not facing him.

"Can i speak with you for a second?" he asked.

I turned around.

"Yeah i guess," i said.

We left my mom in the room and walked into a quiet room.

"What did you want to talk about?" i asked.

"Ms. Merdita-"

"Please, just call me Jasmine," i said.

"Listen, Jasmine, i'm not going to sugarcoat anything that i'm about to tell you. I'm going to be frank. It's not looking good at all," he said.

"What isn't looking good?" i asked.

"Georgie. He has gotten worse over night. We have tried to give him drugs, drugs that we never would use on babies to help but it just won't work," he said.

"How worse? Tell me! I need to know," i said.

The doctor sighed. I felt bad for him. He had to tell me all this bad news. It must be hard to do.

"He's basically been declared brain dead. This is causing his major organs to shut down. His lungs have already stopped functioning. Soon, there won't be anything left that we can do. He will be legally dead. We need to know if we can pull the plug?" he said.

No. Never. I don't care if he went completely brain dead. I won't give up on him!

"No, you can't," i said without hesitation.

"Jasmine, please. You don't understand. The only reason he's still alive is because of life support. That means if we unplug it, he'll die. Either way, he's gone," he said.

"No. I can't! I can't pull the plug!" i said hysterically.

"There's only a matter of time until we'll have to pull the plug. You can't keep him on it forever," he said.

"Yes i can. I'll never give up!" i said.

"Jasmine. Please don't do this. Just pull the plug," he said.

"No," i said.

"There's nothing we can do anymore," he said.

"NO!" i screamed.

"JASMINE. Are you listening to me? There's nothing we can do," he said.

The door opened. There was my mom. She was crying. She ran in.

"Georgie's heart stopped!" she cried.

"What?" i replied, utterly shocked.

"Have they started CPR?" asked the doctor.

"Yes, they did it 3 times already but it's not working!" she said.

I ran out the room and into Georgie's room. The life support machine was flatlined. A long tone filled the room.

There he was, having CPR performed on him. The people tried 2 more times to bring him back. Nothing worked.

"That's it, you need to pull the plug. There's no point in keeping him on life support. He's already dead," said the doctor.


"Either you say we can or we'll do it ourselves," he said.

He can't do that!

"Sweetie, there's no hope left. His heart has stopped," said my mom, wrapping a arm around me. I began to cry.

"Let me just say bye to him," i said.

"Of course," said the doctor.

I walked over to Georgie. The people who had attempted CPR moved away from the bed. The doctor closed the curtain around the bed, leaving me and my baby alone. I took his small hand.

"Oh baby. I'm so sorry. I let this happen. Mommy is such a idiot. I should have came straight home. I shouldn't have left you alone. If i would have took you with me, you would be okay. I'm just so sorry. I-i love you. I love you s-so much. I'll never ever ever forget you," i kissed his cheek gently. I sobbed as i moved the curtain and walked over to my mom.

"Pull the plug," i said. My heart broke into a million pieces.

"Oh baby," said my mom. She took me into a big hug. I cried in her arms like a baby.

The nurse from earlier unplugged the life support machine. His body was stiff. The only thing i heard was the sound of the machine flatlining.

"Time of death, 5:53pm," said the nurse.

"Jasmine, i'm very sorry for your loss. I have experienced the same type of thing. My dad had been on life support and we have to pull the plug. I understand how you feel," said the doctor.

I stopped crying for a moment and looked at him.

"No, you don't! My son died! My baby son! There's a big difference between a little innocent baby and a big stupid man!" i snapped. I didn't feel sorry. I didn't care if i hurt his feelings.

"Jasmine! Take that back!" said my mom.

"No, it's okay. I understand that she's just grieving," said the doctor.

I pushed myself out of my mom's arms. I walked out the door. There's no point of going on. Everything about my life sucks.

"Jasmine, where are you going?" asked my mom.

"Away," i said weakly.

I walked down the cold and dark halls. Before i left, i needed to take something to make this more easier. I opened every door that said staff only. There was a specific room i was looking for. I finally came across the room that had medicine inside.

I looked around at all the medicine. I was looking for something specific. I found it in a crate of medicine. Sleeping pills. I read the information on the back. Take one for maximum effects. Begins working in 30 minutes.

I would take two. Maybe that would speed it up. I swallowed two of the small pills and left the room.

I exited the building and walked away from that god forsaken place.

I knew what i was going to do next. I had it all planned out in my head. I walked the short walk to the bridge that i drove over all the time to get to the studio. I climbed on top of the concrete structure. Below was a clear ocean. This would be perfect.

I would stand up here until i fell from passing out from the pills. I would drown since i would be out. At least it would be painless.

I could feel people driving by staring at me. I could hear a commotion starting behind me. But i wasn't going to come down.

I began to feel the effects. My legs began to feel wobbly. I knew it was only a matter of time until i went out completely.

And then i would be free.

Dangerous Desires (Johnny Depp fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang