Chapter 11

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Just a warning, this chapter is going to have a really sad part in it. So please, brace yourselves.

By the time i got to the apartment, it was 9:27pm. Maybe i should have let Johnny drive me home...oh what am i saying?!

I entered the apartment and walked up to Shelia's room. I had to get Georgie. I knocked on her door. She opened it almost immediately. What, did she live in front of the door?

"Hi, Jasmine!" said Shelia. She had her hair up in big curlers and was wearing a green robe.

"Hi Shelia," i said, "where's Georgie?"

"Oh, that's what i meant to tell you! Terrell came down and got him about 30 minutes ago," she said.

Why? Terrell basically hated Georgie. Why would he come and get him?

"Oh. Well, thanks for taking care of him," i said.

"No problem," she said. I began to leave.

"Oh and Jasmine," she called out.

"Yeah?" i asked.

"Your lipstick is a little smudged," she said.

Well, at least Shelia told me. She's a lifesaver. Because Terrell would've killed me if he had saw.

"Thanks for telling me," i said.

"Don't mention it," she said. She closed her door, leaving me in the dark apartment hallway. I looked at my lips by using my phone camera as a mirror and wiped off the lipstick. I added on a new coat and walked up to the apartment. I took out my key and opened the door.

My nose was hit with the strong smell of weed.

"Baby?" i called.

I walked into the living room. The lamp turned on to reveal Terrell sitting on the couch, smoking.

"Baby, where is Georgie?" i asked.

"Is that all you care about?" he asked.

I didn't answer him because i knew he was high. He stood up to reveal Georgie in his arms. He was covered with a blanket over his face. I took him from Terrell and took the blanket off his face. He looked scared. He started to cry.

"Are you crazy? You could've killed him!" i yelled.

"Wait a minute, let's back up a second. Where were you? You're late," he asked.

"I had to work later," i quickly lied.

"Did you?" he asked. He walked over to me and slapped my cheek. I layed Georgie down on the couch so i wouldn't drop him.

"I've heard that stupid ass lie enough. What were you really doing?" he asked.

I was trying to recover from that hit. It hurt a lot.

"Were you cheating?" he asked.

"No," i replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I swear," i said.

He seemed to believe me.

"Okay. Well, did you make dinner?" he asked.

"Nope," i replied.

"Of course not. Go get me some dinner," he said. I began to walk to the door. I stopped dead in my tracks. I remembered, i left my car at work.

"You don't have your car, do you?" he asked.

" got towed," i said.

"Shut up with your lying ass. You know why it's not here," he said.

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