Chapter 2

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

"Right so Freya and Daryl will go out first using the stairs go out of the door turn left carry on going you should see an alley way stop there and wait for us if we aren't there in time take the red car here are the keys and drive back to camp" I stood there and said " Glen you have this all figured out don't you" he smiled and said " I guess go now because the walkers are detracted" " Okay" I said and Daryl grunted and we ran down the stares. When we got out of Walmart we quickly turned left and found the alley way we both sat down on the edge of the path to my relief there was hardly any walkers " What now I said" " I'm stuck with a little girl great" I shuck my head Daryl was so rude. " Yeah well im stuck with a rude moron of a guy who thinks he's all that when he ain't" he frowned and said. " No one is this rude to ma face your lucky your a woman or id punch you in the face"! I laughed and said " Is that suppose to scare me"! he just grunted and didn't say anything else.
15 minutes later I saw Glen Rick and T-dog running " come on get in the car"! we all got into the car and Glen began speeding down the road
" Could you slow down please"! I shouted " Oh sorry Freya" he then slowed down phew that was better. Daryl began to sit and complain about his brother and how it was my fault because everyone else had stopped I wanted hurt this guy he thought he was all bad ass but in my eyes he was another idiot guy!

We finally pulled to a stop at a camp it looked kinda small but safe I got out of the car and notice everyone running towards there loved ones happy to see them return back safely apart from Daryl he just walked away on his own what a sad guy I thought. I stood at the car not knowing what to do when a woman with long brown wavy hair came over an said " Hello i'm Lori Ricks wife and you must be Freya"? I smiled and said
" Yes I am nice to meet you Lori" Later on I met the rest of the group they were all welcoming to me Andrea and Carol then showed me to a tent which had been set up for me " I hope this spots ok for you I know its a bit far away, but I thought you would like your space as your new to our group" Carol said " its great thanks Andrea and Carol" I said " Its alright" Carol smiled at me " Well I guess we will leave you to unpack your things" I smiled again as they walked away the tent was white and quite big I looked inside it had a sleeping back and a pillow and even a little bean bag I laughed at it I guess that was Andrea's doing? I unpacked my clothes out of my bag and put them to the side of the tent when I saw Daryl walk back to his tent it was right across from mine I looked out of the tent to see there were no more tents oh well I thought at least I can spy on him to see what was going on I knew that sounded weird, but I didn't care.

I sat peeking through my tent to see Daryl sat cleaning his arrows the way his hands looked I thought then I smacked my head what was I thinking damn I didn't know this guy plus id only just got here I tried to creep out of my tent to go back to the others when he saw me crap I thought I got up and he walked out of his tent. " So you stalking me now"? I shook my head " What made you think that"! I said
he then smirked at me said " well you are down here for some reason what do you want"! "I'm down here because this is where my tent was put"!
he then looked annoyed by that and frowned at me " whatever little girl move ya tent somewhere else"! I shook my head at that. " No if I'm here then I'm staying"! He then grunted walking away into the woods. I didn't know what that guys problem was what the hell did I do wrong I had just got here and he was starting on me whatever I wasn't going to listen to that idiot anyway!

I sighed and walked up to the others " Hey Lori Carol do you need any help"? Lori pointed to the washing line so I walked over to Amy and Andrea " Hello Freya right"? Amy said " Yeah" I smiled I began to peg up some clothes when Carol and Lori began to join us " come to help" Lori said. " So what you miss the most Andrea" said to Amy "I miss texting" Amy said" I miss my vibrator" Andrea said " Me too" Carol said we all began to laugh because it was funny then a chubby man came walking out of his tent and said " Hey girls why aren't you working and you Carol whats the hold up on my washing" He walked forward and grabbed Carol she looked scared. " Hey Ed stop that leave Carol alone"! Andrea shouted
" Who the hell are you telling me what to do with my own wife"! he began to pull Carol by here ear " Andrea's right stop it now" I said
" And who are you to talk , little girl", He said to me " I'm no little girl your bastard guys like you make me sick"! He then look angry and then punched me in the face I fell backwards into the grass my head throbbed I got back up but everything was blurry all I saw was Daryl and Shane beating the crap out of Ed good I thought teach that twat a lesson then I fell into darkness.  

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now