Chapter 4

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

I was walking to go and see Dale about my bruise when someone pulled me away" Ow" I said as they yanked me out of sight of the camper van I then saw Daryl and then I realized we was in the woods he was stood up the tree smirking at me " you still have to pay for sneaking up on me yesterday"! I shuck my head " What I didn't really do anything wrong"? " yeh whatever like I said you have to let me do what I want with you now"!
he grabbed held of me and pushed me up the tree " Daryl what are you doing" I asked " Oh just giving you pay back"! was he really this caught up from me sneaking up on him? I began to laugh and he frowned at me " Dont laugh im still angry with you for invading my personal space and for coming in the group"! " Seriously your just acting like a childish idiot"! then he grunted. " No one speaks to me like that"! " Oh well im sorry Mr all thinks he's bad ass"! " SHUT UP" he shouted in my face and then pushed me harder into the tree I felt the pain shoot through my back I didn't cry out I just bit my lip I looked straight into his eyes they were full of such pain and anger! " Dont look at me that way"! he said then I shouted " WTF WAS THAT YOUR A TWAT NO WONDER YOUR LONELY AND HAVE NO ONE"! " I dont need anyone cause they are all dick heads n I ain't gunna waste my time getting close ta anyone"! he acted so big but I could see right through him! " If you dont wanna get close to anyone then why the hell are you brotheing me"! I said I was getting angry. he smirked again and said " cause your my own personal entertainment and you have to pay for what you did"! I screamed and punched the tree tears began to prick at my eyes I couldn't hold them in anymore they came streaming down my face. I had to kill my own parents and now this im stuck with a jerk of a guy who was so cold and cruel to everyone I couldn't take this crap I wasn't going to let him walk all over me! Daryl stared at me with a worried expression on his face when I saw that I felt at ease but I hate him I wanted to punch the guy so I did I raised my fist in a punch and aimed for his face I ended up busting open his nose blood came pouring out everywhere crap I thought what was he gunna do to me now but he didn't do anything to me at all he just stared and then I shouted " I bet everyone wanted to do that to you Daryl"! before I could walk away he pulled me back and pressed his lips to mine it was forced on me I tried pulling away but I couldn't in the end I gave up fighting he was stronger than me I had to go with it.

When he pulled away I screamed at him " WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR"! he then smirked again and said " did you think I would let you get away with punching me huh" he wiped his nose with his hand I glared at him and said " You wait Dixon im gunna get you back im not like everyone else I dont give in easy"! " Whats the big deal it was only a kiss right and what I could have do worse"! I stood there speechless.
" AWW dont tell me that was your first kiss damn girl"! "Fuck off Daryl you wont get away with messing around with me no way"!
" Well little girl I would like to see you try but you wont be able to run"!

I walked away in anger I needed to think this guy was messed up and he liked to hurt people well I was gunna hurt him he can't just go around thinking he can just play with anyone like that! and why did he pick me to mess around with was he like this with the other girls? then I though maybe not I went into my tent and zipped it up I needed to be by my self I opened my bag again and looked at my family photos I still cried when I could look at them without crying I knew I was ready to move on.

The next morning...

I was helping out with the washing again I was pegging some things up when Carol walked over to me and said " Your bruise is healing and its fading" she seemed happy I just nodded " Carol what did happen to Ed after he punched me"? she looked at the ground then said " Well Shane gave him a black eye and Daryl did some damage"! she smiled then said " He looked so hansom when he is all protective" wait did she like him
" Oh im sorry Freya I was getting a bit carried away" I smiled and said "its fine" all I could think of was Carol liking Daryl what wait why would I care its not like I feel anything for him I hate him I had no idea what this woman saw in Daryl he was a jerk anyway and if Carol did like him her chance was a zero because he hates people well thats what he says whatever I thought!   

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now