Chapter 40

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he though I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

All I could hear was my name being called. I was in a lot of pain my hole body felt like I was on fire! I couldn't move or see anything it was just black... I heard his voice I heard his cries I wanted to call back to him but it was impossible. It was like something was taking over my body I couldn't let it take over me I had to fight it with everything I had left in me! I needed Daryl I needed to be with him I couldn't leave him no I can't let it end like this. I then heard Daryl shout "SHE'S GONE SHE'S GONE AND NEVER COMING BACK" Why couldn't I say anything or move! " DARYL I'M RIGHT HERE" I screamed. but he couldn't hear me I knew I wasn't dead I was still alive but I couldn't move talk or open my eyes.

I knew everyone was upset and angry and Daryl would suffer the most! I felt his heart beat on my chest. His warm hands his breath on my neck his lips pressed against mine! His smirk his laugh everything about him I couldn't let go of! I felt a jolt of warmness shoot through me. That was it I just had to hold onto these memories.

Daryl's ( POV)

I held her lifeless body in my arms she was gone but she hadn't turned yet? I still had some hope left in me. I knew she was still in there everyone else looked at me crazy but I didn't care! My Freya was still in there somewhere fighting I could feel it. I held her closer to me with all the hope I still had left in me. " Freya I know your in there I can feel it I know you can here me keep fighting sweetheart I know your strong" I then kissed her forehead. " Daryl she's gone there's nothing we can do now" Hersal said. I shuck my head and then said. "No your wrong I wont give up on her I know shes still in there" I slowly picked her up and carried her in my arms. " Where are you going"? He asked. " Back to my sell none of you will support me so I'll watch her on my own"! I said and walked away carrying Freya with me!
When I got to my sell I placed her on the bed. " I will watch over you please Freya get better I know your in there"!

2 days later...
It burned even more I felt like I was slipping away but I couldn't I wouldn't let go of him! I then felt a jolt in my body " She moved" I heard Daryl say. " Yeah she's probably a walker by now" I heard Rick comment. That made me angry I'm no walker! I felt my eyes slowly open I saw something black in my face. My vision cleared and I saw it was Rick holding a gun to my head! " Freya is that you" I heard Daryl say frantically! I heard his voice and I couldn't help but cry. Tears began falling down my cheeks... " WHATS HAPPENING"? Rick asked. " Daryl can you hear me"? I said. " Yes I can hear you" he said. I still couldn't move though. " Oh my god shes alive" Maggie shouted! " Someone help me sit up please I can't move"! I said.

I then felt arms around me it was Daryl! He slowly sat me up and then I noticed everyone else in the room too. Every came forward to me hugging me as if to say thank god your alive! " Wait everyone" Rick said. They all stared at him and then he said. " How do we know shes still not infected"? Hersal looked at me and then said. " I don't know how she survived but I can tell you she's not infected she will need her wounds look at though"! Everyone nodded and then left the room? " Hey why are you all leaving"? I shouted. Daryl looked at me and then said. " I knew you'd do it your amazing" " No Daryl if it wasn't for you I would have never been here" I smiled. He smirked and said. " Yeah but I thought I was gunna lose you" I stared into them beautiful ice blue eyes of his. I was glad I was able to still look at him! His lips once again met mine and I was home again. I knew what was ever going to come in the future would be tough and hard but we had already been through so much!

I'm Freya Jones and let me tell you something that I've learn't life ins't easy when the worlds the way it is! But with Daryl by my side I can do anything and don't forget the others of course!
" Freya we haven't got time for you to day dream lets go" Daryl shouted. That's right me and Daryl where going out today we didn't know where but he said it was to celebrate the fact I was alive. I'm still really weak and can't walk long distances that's why Daryl carries me but I'm fine with that! Hersal's still confused about how I recovered. But it was like nothing ever happened. We still have a long future ahead. I then got onto the back of Daryl's bike and we drove away!

The End!  

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now