Chapter 28

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He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.______________________________________________________________________________________________

Daryl's ( POV)

" So what are we waiting for lets go" I said " No Daryl do you think we can just get up and leave"! Rick said " Yes we can Freya's in danger she needs us"! I was angry how could he not care " The place where Freya is being held is Woodberry"! Michonne said " Thanks a lot Michonne" I didn't really thank anyone but at a time like this I guess I had to. " And whats the plan"? Glen said. Glen always needed a plan whenever we did anything risky. " Well we got guns and I found some smoke bombs we can use them to distract and then make our move"? I said " How we getting in"? Hersal said " Leave that to me" Michonne said. " most important how we getting there"! Rick said " Stop asking questions I will show you" Michonne said.

After along argument we was finally off phew I was getting worried I was just worried now though I just wanted to save her and have her back in my arms again. I got onto my bike and drove behind Rick because Michonne was giving him directions. After what seemed like forever of driving we came to a stop I got off my bike and Rick got out of his car with Maggie , Glen and T-dog everyone else stayed behind. " This better not be some trick because remember im trusting you here" Rick said " Leave it just listen to her we cant waste time" I said. We followed behind Michonne up to the gates of Woodberry we then came to a gate that had a small crack in it. " You sure about this"? T-dog said. Michonne nodded and we followed her through the gate it was a tight squeezed but I didn't care id do anything for Freya.
We was soon enough crawling along the floor trying not to be seen by any of the guards but then T-dog got up and broke into a run " No you idiot what are you doing"! I shouted then one of the guards saw T-dog and shot at him I quickly threw a smoke bomb and they missed him everyone was coughing as they got up and began to run shooting at the guards 2 of them down already and I didn't have time to waste running around shooting at these people I was gunna find Freya where ever she was " Rick im gunna try and find Freya" I shouted " Be careful Daryl" Rick shouted back " Thanks man" I shouted as I ran to find Freya"!

I ran around the back of the building but I got side tracked by some weird looking man wearing an eye patch! " Who the hell are you"! He said " IM DARYL DIXON AND IM HERE TO SAVE FREYA"! he then pointed a gun to my head and said " So your the famous Daryl that Merle was going on about he was a stupid idiot making up his own rules"! " I dont give a shit about Merle I just wanna save Freya so move out the way"! " It doesn't seem that you and your brother have the relationship he described"! he said " MOVE"! I shouted I was getting really angry and I was gunna snap " what you gunna do if I dont move"? he said I just raised my hand into a fist and knocked him flying he was now on the ground!
" You shouldn't have messed with me im the Govenor and try and find her but you never will"! He said " I WILL FIND HER AND WHEN I DO YOU AND MERLE ARE GOING DOWN IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO"! I didn't have time to mess around with that weirdo I carried on walking and I then heard screaming it was Freya.

It crushed me to hear her scream I followed her screams it hurt me inside having to listen to them but it was the last thing I could do to save her.
I came across a small door and I heard Merle's voice from inside I grunted and pushed open the door I saw Freya laying half naked on the floor no he didn't " MERLE YOU FUCKING BASTARD IM GOING TO KILL YOU"! I shouted I was all fired up now " Look who has come to save his little girlfriend its my little bro Daryl" Merle laughed Freya looked at me with sad and scared eyes " WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO HER"! Merle threw Freya to the ground and she screamed in pain I grunted and walked over to Merle " Just teaching her a lesson bro you dont need her she's just a weak little girl"! He began to laugh again I grabbed him by his necked and pushed him up the brick wall " You dont know anything you TWAT I HATE YOU I WISH YOU'D DIE FREYA COMES FIRST NOW YOU GOT THAT YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER WHICH I CANT FORGIVE OR FORGET"! " Whatever Daryl letting some girl take over you and its made you weak did you forget what dad told us huh and what about the scars on your back see when I talk about that I can catch you off guard"! He grabbed me and pushed me to the ground I landed on my face busting my noise. " Stop it leave him alone" Freya began to cry that made me even more angry I got up from the ground and I grabbed held of Merle " YOUR THE WEAK ONE YOU DONT KNOW WHAT LOVE IS FREYA SAVED ME FROM BECOMING LIKE YOU AND FATHER WAS WRONG I HATED HIM I EVEN WISHED HIM DEAD FROM WHAT HE DID TO US, I THANK FREYA FOR EVERYTHING WITHOUT HER IM NOTHING"! Merle just didn't seem to understand he began to laugh again " TWAT do you think love is gunna get you anywhere in this world"! he smirked. " SHUT THE FUCK UP" I shouted in anger I pushed him up the wall and smashed his head against it " do you like it payback for what you did to Freya"! he soon enough began to blackout and fell to the ground good I thought he wasn't no brother to me anymore.

I walked over to Freya and slapped her around the face " WHAT THE HELL WAS YOU THINKING FREYA YOU JUST TOOK OFF WITH MERLE YOU COULD HAVE ESCAPED WITH MAGGIE AND GLEN DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE WORRIED"! Tears slid down her face and she said " Daryl your right and im sorry I just couldn't see any of my friends get hurt and now your hurt and its all my fault" I shuck my head and sat down next to her and said " No dont you ever blame yourself I was just so worried and Merle did that to you im so sorry Freya it happened"! I shouted she shuck her head and said " Daryl you got there in time before he could fully do anything serious to me apart from my arm it really hurts but I should be fine" I took of my shirt and handed it to her" take this and dont ask questions just wear it" she smiled and said
" Thanks Daryl for everything I love you"! I looked at her with wide eyes that was the first time she ever said that to me I know this fight wasn't over yet and I had to get Freya away from Merle in case he wakes up but for now I just want to enjoy being with her. I wrapped my arms around the and kissed her forehead.

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now