Chapter 6

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

Rick was banging on the doors CDC " We know your in there"! he shouted the walkers were getting closer to us when I noticed the cameras " Hey guys look there's cameras and they still work" Every began screaming and shouting until A tall man opened the automatic doors. " Hello im Dr Edwin Jenner but just call me Jenner come on in" " Thank you Dr Jenner" Rick said we all walked in and he brought us to a small room and said " you have to have some tests just for safety" and then Daryl said " Whats the point we ain't infected or anything" " I've already broken so many rules letting you come here" then Andrea looked as if she was gunna throw up " is she okay" Dr Jenner asked " we haven't eaten in days" Carol said after we had been tested Dr Jenner showed us to the rooms there was heating and beds I smiled and then he said
" There's running water and yes its hot water but go easy on it" everyone yelled in joy T-dog was the first to run to the showers I laughed then I saw Andrea and she looked really sad I didn't know what to say but I knew what it was like to lose your loved ones
after awhile I walked around the place and was looking for a room but most of them had been taken then I came to one last room I opened the door and it was empty I threw myself on the bed it had been along time since I had slept in a real bed it was so soft then Daryl walked through the door and as soon as he seen me he grunted and said " Damn there's really no rooms left I thought I had the last one but it looked like a little girl got there before me"! I sat crossed legged on the bed and frowned at him " Whatever Daryl idiot" I stood up of the bed and went to leave the room when I felt an arm on my waist I sighed and turned around " What did I do" I asked I kinda liked it when Daryl touched me wait what the hell am I doing this guy just knew how to mess you around! " Oh remember you punched me I ain't letting that slide" He pushed me up the wall and ran his hands through my hair he kissed down my neck I pushed him off cause he was distracted then noticed how good he smelled no Freya dont let that idiot fool you He smirked and then said " So maybe you can fight back but I wouldn't if I was you"! I just shuck my head and said " Whatever Daryl" and walked out of the room I wasn't his rag doll to be taunted with no I was a human being he followed me out and said to me " This little thing me and you have going on is no emotions its nothing more than lust and if you dare fall for me you'd regret it"! I began to laugh " Look Dixon there's nothing its not even lust in my eye's your just taunting me just because I can stand up to you and me fall for you never" I spat the words out my mouth. I kinda felt better then I saw Carol walking down the hallway towards me and Daryl she stopped and looked straight at both of us and then said " Dr Jenner said its time for dinner so come with me"

Daryl walked ahead in front and Carol whispered to me " Whats going with you and Daryl" all I said was " nothing he just happened to be in the area and he was looking for a room but that was the last one" she just nodded and we carried on walking.

I sat down next to Carol and Glen at the table everyone was talking about random stuff I just sat and ate then Carl asked Lori for some wine and she gave him some he spat it back in the cup and said " Ew" Everyone began to laugh then I then looked over to see Daryl who was drinking a lot of alcohol and he said " Glen lets see how much you can drink" Glen picked up a beer and gulped it down after one bottle he went onto the next one and the next you could tell he was pretty drink but Daryl drank more and hardly looked affected oh well then he saw me staring and walked over to me and handed me a beer and said " Go on then Freya lets see how many you can drink" I shuck my head and said "I dont drink" then Daryl whispered in my ear " Oh come on you scared little girl"! after he said that I snatched the bottled out of his hand and downed it and then everyone began to laugh I knew I felt drunk I wasn't good with drinks thats why when my friends went partying I stayed at home because I was just to badly affected I wasn't going to tell Daryl after 4 bottles I began to feel really sick I ran out of the room and to the toilet and violently threw up. " Freya are you okay" Lori asked Carol and Lori were standing outside I nodded " I think I drunk to much" after that I went to bed I swear if Daryl came into the room id throw up on him and I didn't care im never drinking this much again I thought my stomach hurt so much I curled up in bed and went to sleep.

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now