Chapter 14

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  He said it was just lust he told me no emotions I thought it was just that but I was wrong he changed me made me look at the world in a different way I didn't care what he thought I knew how I felt and with everything that had happened to me I could finally pretend to be happy.

I had just woken up to the noise of guns being fired what the hell I thought they would never risk a gun shot would they? I rubbed my eyes and quickly got dressed and walked over to everyone else to see what was going on I was still half asleep so I didn't see any walkers coming from the barn until I heard a load of grunts I turned around and there was loads of walkers what the hell was going on I then felt an arm around my waist and it was Daryl he guided me out of the way I knew I was blushing he still had his arm around me. " Could you please tell me what the hell is going on please"? I asked " Well lets make this quick basically Shane smashed open the barn letting out all the walkers and now we have to kill as many as we can"! he said. " He is an idiot did he know the danger he put us in by doing that"! I said. " Yeah but he does have a point having them in the barn could be dangerous now stay behind me cause you didn't bring anything to protect yourself with"! Daryl was really coming to change he didn't act as cold and selfish anymore I mean its weird but I kinda like him when he's all protective.

After a while all of the walkers were down well thats what we thought until we heard a grunting sound then the most horrifying thing happened Sophia came walking out of the barn but she wasn't who she was before that poor little girl she grunted and began to walk forward to us I held my tears in it made be angry I saw Carol trying to reach out for her but Daryl quickly ran over and held her back that made me really jealous but how dare I think about my own feelings right now I knew how it felt to lose someone so close to you me and Daryl had searched and searched for that girl and she was in the barn all along that made me hate Hersal he knew all along I hate it how could he!

Rick held the gun up and took a deep breath BANG! Sophia fell to the grown Carol screamed I saw that she was hurt I shuck my head I was so angry " Get off my farm" Hersal shouted I walked over to Hersal and said " You knew about this didn't you we are suppose to trust each other Hersal do you know how long me and Daryl searched for her"! I began to shout. " they were people and you just killed them" Hersal shouted
I shuck my head and was about to walk back to my tent when I felt a tug on my hand " Freya we need to talk" Daryl said I nodded and followed him into the woods. When we got there he lent up the tree and said " I cant believe that Sophia was in the barn all along and we searched for her when everyone else was worrying about Carl we still carried on"! " Daryl I know how you feel because you cared and your not the cold and selfish guy I once knew but if you totally changed it might be a bit weird" tears came down my face he pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me I felt his breath on my neck " Dont cry its not your fault" he said as he breathed into my neck

" I know but I could have gone after her at the high way I wish I did" Daryl then shuck his head " Id wish you'd just stop blaming yourself for everything"! I weakly smiled at him " Thanks" I said he then smirked " Hey dont go getting all mushy or nothing"! I looked him in the eyes and then our lips connected once again I felt the heat rush through me and the butterflies in my stomach Daryl might still act cold towards me sometimes but thats what I loved about him.

1 week later.......

Rick had talked Hersal into letting us stay but nothing had changed everyone was really upset but not as much as Carol we tried to get her to eat but she wouldn't I felt so bad for her and I still felt angry with Hersal today everyone was going to a service just for Sophia I know Carol would want that but she was still a wreck I was a mess after I lost my parents if it wasn't for everyone who had welcomed me into there group I know I would have just let my self go and I would have ended up either a walker or dead of starvation because I was depressed but I then realized I had to live on for my parents and change my ways.
" We are gathered here today to remember Sophia who was a friend a daughter and very close to all of us we will miss her she was a wise and happy girl she died a cruel death in this world she might be gone now but she will live on in our hearts forever she is now in a better place rest in peace Sophia" Rick said there were a lot of tears and cries from everyone a few people threw some things onto the coffin I walked forward and said
" Sophia I bet your going to miss this so I found it and brought it back for you I will never forget you we all love you and your Mommy is amazing and strong just like you we can see you take after her" I threw her teddy bear in everyone began to help berry it. " Thank you Freya" Carol said. " Carol I know this hurts but your strong and you can get through this we are all here to support you because we are your family"
as I was moving the dirt I felt a hand touch mine I looked up and it was Daryl I smiled at him and he smiled back at me.

These times were going to be rough but we could get through them even if you dont really get on with people in the group we still support each other and I was so thankful to find this group because without them I would be nothing they were much more to me now to me they were family.

Dead Deeds Daryl Dixon Love Story (Finished)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora