Chapter 2 •Tee Shirt•

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Today is the first football game, so I have to wear the tank top I made. To be honest, I'm not excited for today. Considering I'm Luke's buddy, he has to talk me to all of my classes. And if he has a class with me, he has to sit next to me. God id be just like 6th grade. When we were best friends. Crazy right? Me and him were best friends 6th and 7th grade, but once we got into 8th grade he started acting different around me. When I finally asked him what was wrong, he started to yell at me and never talked to me again.

I walk over to my closet and get the shirt, along with some black shorts, and my white converse.

After I get ready, I head downstairs.
"Well you look cute today." My mom coos. I faintly blush and smile at her.
"Thanks mom. I'm trying to make the best out of this." I say sitting down next to my mom.
"I know it must be hard. You guys were so cute when you were friends. It's a shame you aren't friends anymore." She says sipping her coffee.
"Yeah." I say nodding and exhaling. "I have to go mom. I love you. Bye." I say getting up and kissing her on the cheek, leaving an imprint of red in the shape of my lips on her face.
"Bye. Have a good day! I love you too." She says laughing and wiping my lipstick off of her cheek.

Once I get to school everyone is scattered around talking, so I decide to go inside early to get my stuff out of my locker before everyone starts to come in. Once I finally make it to my locker I see Luke waiting there.
"What are you doing here?" I ask as I get to my locker, and do the combination.
"You're my football buddy." He says in a duh tone.
"I know you hate me okay? And I'm not too happy about this football buddy shit either. But you don't have to be rude to me. You don't have to prove to everyone that you hate my guts. Because it's already obvious that you do. And it's just as obvious that I hate you back." I say slamming my locker.
"God you're such a bitch, Rena! You know that?" He says back.
"Who do you think I learn it from?" I say with a devilish smirk on my face. Luke just groans and looks at me.
"Let's just go to your fucking class." He says as he starts walking. He soon stops once he realizes he doesn't know where he's going. "Where the hell is your class?" He asks and I laugh a little.
"Mr. Specks history." I say and he starts walking to the class.

"Here." He says as we walk to the door.
"Thanks." I say not sounding sincere at all.
"I like your shirt." He says looking down at my shirt.
"Oh don't be cocky. I wouldn't be wearing it if I didn't have to." I shoot back, and he chuckles.
"Whatever Champion. See you after class." He scoffs and walks off. The nerves that guy has. God this will be one hell of a year. Because this football  buddy bullshit lasts all year.

After class I get out and meet up with the blonde headed douche bag once again.
"Hello Champion." He says.
"Don't call me that." I say rolling my eyes.
"Why I like it." He says smirking.
"If you call me Champion one more time I swear Lucas you won't hear the last of it." I say smirking this time. His smirk falls off of his face and he starts walking.
"What's your next class?" He asks not interested, and shoving his hands in his black skinny jeans pockets.
"Algebra in Mrs. Danes." I say and he sighs.
"Me too." He says and he starts to walk towards the class. Great I get to sit next to him too.
"Yay." I say rolling my eyes.
"Can you tone down the bitchiness?" He asks groaning.
"Nope because you're still reeking douche bag." I say and he rolls his eyes now.

Once we get into algebra, we take our seats next to each other. Earning death glares from Rebecca, I smile sweetly before sitting down. I'm not afraid to be a bitch to the biggest bitch of them all. Someone has to give her a taste of her own medicine.

I wasn't always so hateful towards her. But once she put cockroaches in my locker in 6th grade Ive hated her. She knew how much I hate cockroaches, and she used it against me. And the only one who stood up for me was Luke. That's when he hated her too. But obviously he doesn't hate her anymore.

"Rena what's the answer for number 4?" Luke asks.
"I don't know to be honest." I say back honestly. He just chuckles and asks David Flesher.
"It's 2x+ky= 2" Luke says moments later.
"Thanks." I say surprised he's actually helping me.

After about 5 more classes it's finally time for lunch.
"We're going to sit at my table." Luke says as we walk into the lunch room. "Rachel will be there with Michael." He says and I nod heading over to their table. I walk up to the table and sit next to Rachel, who's next to Michael. Across from me is a dark headed boy; Calum Hood. The soccer all star. Yeah he's god at football, but he's amazing at soccer. Sitting to his right is Ashton Irwin. Known for his amazing drumming skills. But he's also really good at football. Calum and Ashton's football buddies are sitting with us too. Looks like I'll be seeing a lot of them. Soon after I make it to the table Luke sits down next to me. Luke's too busy looking over everyone else to even notice that Calum is talking to him.
"Mate what are you looking for?" He asks again. I nudge him a little and look at what, or who he's looking at. Once I see what has caught his eye, my eyes widen. "What?" Calum asks and I just point to Rebecca, who has her tongue down David Samuels throat. "Oh shit."

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