Chapter 30 •Chase•

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"Show me." I say back.
"Anything it takes babe." He whispers on my lips. His hot breath making my back hence, he brings his plump pink lips close to mine. I feel his breath on my lips, making me want his lips on mine. He brings his lips closer to mine, and is about to press his lips on mine when his phone goes off. Causing both of us to jump back. We both breath heavy as he checks it. He mumbles curse words under his breath, when he starts reading the message.
"Management wants us back. We have a concert tonight." He says and I jump up. I completely forgot about our concert tonight.
"Okay. Let's go." I say getting my stuff together quickly, trying not to talk about what just almost happened. I start walking without Luke, but soon stop because Luke is calling after me.
"Rena wait!" He calls out as he jogs to catch up to me. I turn around and he crashed his lips on mine. And everything stops. Time stops, and everything around us stops moving and my hearts beating so hard out of my chest I swear he can feel it in my lips.
"OH MY GOD!" We hear being screamed from a distance. We pull apart instantly, and see a group of fans running toward us.
"Shit." We both mumble as we start running away from the fans and towards the hotel.

We have to run down two blocks before we even see the hotel in sight. Some of the girls dropped out, and stopped chasing us. And some are still chasing us. The run isn't bad for me, but it's a whole different story for Luke.
"Come on Luke. It's right there." I yell out as I continue to run.
"Fuck... This... Shit... This is why I'm in a band!" Luke yells out of breath and I can't help but laugh.
"It'll be okay. Just keep pushing." I say after I stop laughing
"I'm going to die! This is how I die!" He yells out some more.
"We're here! Hurry up Luke!" I call out as I make it to the hotel entrance. A few seconds later Luke runs up to me, and into the hotel. Luke grabs my hand as we continue running down the hallway. I soon see Erin walking down the same hall.
"ERIN!" I yell out, and he turns around and gives me and Luke questioning looks. "FANS ARE EVERYWHERE OUTSIDE!" I yell as we run past him. He starts running in the direction of the entrance of the hotel.

After a few more seconds of running, we make it to my hotel room.
"Hurry....up...." Luke says completely out of breath. I open the door, and Luke manages to make it to my bed, and plop down on it.
"Hey scoot over." I say laughing as I crawl next to him on the bed.
"That's the most running I've ever done. And will ever do." Luke says, still catching his breath.
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." I say laughing, and looking at the fan that hanging over me and Luke.
"It was too! There's a reason I'm in a band." He says laughing, and I can't help but start thinking about us. Are we real? Does he mean what he said? Does he really love me? "What are you thinking about?" Luke asks as he turns to face me, and rests his head on my chest.
"Us." I say as I tangle my  hands in his soft blonde hair.
"What about us?" Luke asks as he rubs his fingers down my exposed legs.
"If you meant what you said." I say softly. Almost too softly. Luke exhales before speaking.
"Rena I know I fucked up. I broke the promise I wanted to keep. It's just I missed you so much, and I thought I wouldn't see you for a long time. So I tried to replace you with Ashley. But she was the worst person ever. She was needy, clingy, jealous, and not her own person. She is just like Rebecca, and nothing like you. Then you became the opening act so fast, and I had no idea either. Or I would have broken up with her before you came. And after you came, you don't know how many times I wanted to break up with her. But I wanted to make you jealous, so I continued to date her. And you stated that we hated each other again, and that broke my heart more than anything in the world. This whole thing with management was a blessing for me, it's just that I wanted you to be jealous and want me back so I pretended. I truly love you Rena. You don't have to believe me right now, but I will show you. Just watch." He says and I feel like a thousand pounds was lifted off my chest.
"I always wanted you back." I simply say and Luke shoots his head up.
"Really?" He asks and I nod my head. "Fuck. I could have had you already." He says face palming.
"You had no way of knowing. You have me now." I say and a warm smile stretches on his face.
"Very true Champion." He says. He places his hands above my head, and throws his long legs over my sides. He hovers over me, and leans closer and closer to my lips. I already feel butterflies jumping in my stomach.
"Oh god! Am I interrupting something?" Erin screeches as he walks through the door. Luke quickly gets off of me, and shoots Erin a death glare. My face heats up as I shake my head. Erin starts laughing, and shakes his head.
"The band was wondering why both of you aren't at sound check." Erin says and me and Luke shoot up from the bed.
"Oh shit!" I yell as me and Luke run down to sound check.

"Hey guys sorry we're- why is she here?"

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