Chapter 28 •Wait What?•

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After we filmed the video me and Ayra went back to my hotel to hang out. Well her and Erin hung out, while I ate pizza and caught up on pretty little liars.
"Oh Rena, Adam wanted me to tell you that the management wants to talk to you." Erin says pausing from his flirting with Arya.
"Now?" I ask pausing the show.
"Mhm." He says, and turns back to Arya. I groan and pull myself out of the bed, and fix my hair.
"I'll be back later." I say as I walk out of the room, and down to the business room where Adam and the management held all of their meetings.
"Good evening Rena." Adam says as I walk into his room.
"Good evening. Erin told me that the management wanted to speak with me?" I ask and he nods his head and gets out of his chair.
"Follow me." He says and I follow behind him to a much larger room than Adams. Once we open the door, I see that I'm not the only one they want to talk to. Luke is also in the room, looking just as confused as I do. I sit down next to Luke, and come face to face with the CEO of the record label.
"Hello Rena, and Luke." He says to us.
"Hello." Me and Luke say back. My heart is beating out of my chest, and my hands are sweaty. What did I do? Is all that is running through my head.
"The reason I wanted both of you here, is because I want to discuss something." He says and me and Luke breath in heavy. "Luke, as we know you have a girlfriend or whatever you want to call her. But we don't like her." He says and Luke scoffs.
"I don't think it matters if you like her." Luke says still shocked at his fact.
"It doesn't matter to you, but it matters to your image. And quite frankly having her in the picture is making your picture rather, messy, if you get what I'm saying." He continues and I can't help but laugh a little, earning a glare from Luke.
"This is stupid." Luke scoffs as he slouches in the black leather chair.
"We need you to break up with her Luke. You'll thank us in the long run. We need you to be with someone like Rena." He continues and I sit up straight.
"Wait where are you going with this?" I ask nervously with wide eyes.
"We want you and Luke to date." He says and me and Luke choke on the spit that was building in our throats.
"Wait what?" I choke out, while Luke is sitting there with a blank look on his face.
"It will be good for both of your images, and besides both of your Fandoms ship you two together. So why not make their dreams come true?" He asks and I stop choking.
"Because we've already tried dating. It didn't work out very well." I say with wide eyes.
"How?" He asks, and how I wish he didn't.
"He promised me he wouldn't move on while he was on tour. Then he stopped talking to me, and I found out he was dating Ashley." I say Luke scoffs again. "You must like scoffing because you do it a bitch ton." I say scoffing this time.
"Rena I don't understand why you're so mad about me moving on. You told me to." He says back.
"Yeah but remember when you told me you loved me? And didn't want to move on? And that I was the only one for you? I guess we both said something we didn't mean!" I say raising my voice. Luke's about to say something else, but bites his tongue.
"Please Luke and Rena, just pretend to love each other in public. Pretend that you don't hate each other. You did sign up for this when you signed the contract. So there's no backing out." He says and me and Luke groan, knowing there's no way we're getting out of this.
"Fucking great." I mumble loud enough for Luke to hear.
"Tell me about it. I'm stuck with you." He mumbles back.
"Can you stop being a fucking bastard for once? It's not my fault everyone hates your bitch of a girlfriend! I'm sorry that things didn't work out for us, and I'm sorry that I'm your opening act! God you make me feel so fucking bad for shit I don't have anything to do with! God Luke can't you think before you act? Obviously not. You already showed me that 2 months ago." I say getting up and walking out the door. I don't care about this, I don't care about Luke, I don't care about anything right now.

I walk out of the hotel with tears streaming down my face, and a black hoody pulled over my eyes so no one knows who I am. Just the way I like it.
"This is so fucking stupid." I say as I walk outside. Where the hell am I going to go? I think about it for a second, then I realize that I've been looking at a park. Why not? I take a deep breath and make my way to the swing set.

When I make it to the swing set, there's no one at the park. Leaving me alone, as I sit there and let the air hit my cheek. The hood over my eyes makes it hard for me to see anything, so I take it off. Once I take the hood off I see the same pair of blue eyes that made my heart melt looking at me. I take a deep breath in once he sits in the swing next to me.
"Hey." He says quietly. Almost too quietly.
"Why are you wasting your time? Seriously. No why are you wasting my time? Why are you taking time out of your day to talk to me? What makes now so much different from less than 2 months ago?" I spit out.
"Because I realize that I truly love you." He says and that sets me off.

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