Chapter 20 •Email•

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*1 month later*
This past month has been a living hell. I haven't done much, besides constantly refreshing my Twitter to see if Luke ever texts back. The first few weeks went by as best as they could. Me and Luke talked whenever we could, same with everyone else. But after about 2 weeks ago everyone has been sketchy around me. Luke won't text me back, and whenever I ask someone else they change the subject, or say he's asleep even though I hear his voice in the back.

Today was spent the same way I normally spend it. On Twitter or Instagram to see if Luke will say anything.

I was on Twitter, like always, when I stumble across something that was only supposed to haunt my nightmares; a picture of Luke and someone else holding hands, and kissing. Too many thoughts are rushing in my head all at once, and all I can do is pick up my phone and dial Rachel's number. She knew this whole time.
"Hello?" Rachel chirps though the phone.
"How could you?" I ask through the tears. "How could you not tell me Luke was dating someone else Rachael? I know this is what all of you were keeping from me. How could you?" I ask crying even harder.
"Rena, I am so sorry. I was only doing it to protect you. Believe me, everyone is mad at him for it. Please forgive me Rena." Rachel says crying.
"How could you Rachel?" I say one last time before hanging up, and throwing my phone across the room. It goes off nonstop for about 10 minutes, before it finally goes silent. I need something to take my mind off of everything, so I decide to go on my laptop and check out my YouTube video. 1 million views? Holy shit! All of the comments are really nice, and encouraging. Maybe I should make a new one.

I clean my face and hair up, and get my laptop and guitar ready.
"Hey guys before I start I just wanted to say thank you for all of the support on my last video. I made it because a friend of mine encouraged me to do it, and I never thought it'd get 1 view more less 1 million. This song goes out to all of you." I say as I start to play the guitar.
Yesterday, you asked me something I thought you knew.
So I told you with a smile 'It's all about you'
Then you whispered in my ear and you told me too,
Said, 'You make my life worthwhile, it's all about you'

And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles, it's all about you.

And I would answer all your wishes, if you asked me to.
But if you deny me one of your kisses, don't know what I'd do.
So hold me close and say three words, like you used to do.
Dancing on the kitchen tiles,
Yes you make my life worthwhile,
So I told you with a smile...
It's all about you.

"Thank you guys for watching. Bye." I say as I stop recording.

About 10 minutes after I uploaded the video I get an email. That's odd. I open the email and read it.

Hello Rena, me and my team have found your YouTube videos, and are amazed. We love your voice very much, and would love to sign you. Another reason we contacted you is because one of our bands that recently went on tour needs an opening act. Sadly the band that was opening for them had an emergency come up and can't attend. I hope you take up this once in a life time offer. Have a great day Ms. Champion

General Manager,
Adam Wilkinson

After I finish the email I yell as loud as I could.
"What happened?!" My mom asks as she busts through the door.
"Look at this!" I screech as I point to the email. She pauses for a minute while reading and once she finishes she yells just as loud as I did.
"Oh my god! This is amazing Rena! You have to take the offer. Email them back and let me know. You're new life honey!" My mom says as she starts to cry.
"Aw mom it's okay. I'll always be your baby girl. I can't believe this is happening!" I say hugging her and wiping her tears.
"I know honey. It's just I know you love singing, ever since you were little you wanted to be mommy's little rockstar. And now that's finally happening." She says smiling.
"Awe mom. I'll always be your little rockstar." I say hugging her.
"You need to email them back!" My mom chirps and I start writing the email.

Good evening Adam, I am emailing you back to take your amazing offer. I cannot wait to go on tour with the band. Any gig is amazing. I would love to sign to your record label. Thank you for contacting me, and choosing me for this opportunity. This means the world to me.
Rena Champion

I finish the email and my mom looks over it, and approves it and I send it out.
"Now we wait." I say exhaling. "How long does this take?" I whine just a few minutes after sending the email out.
"Be patient honey. They are probably very busy." She says laughing and patting my back. After we stop laughing, I hear a pang sound come from laptop. My mail.
"Mom! That could be them!" I chirp as I refresh my emails.

Thank you for taking our offer. We will need you to fly out to London tomorrow so we can sign you, and so you can get aquatinted with the band you will be spending the next 6 months with. We're glad you are apart of the team. See you tomorrow.
General Manager,
Adam Wilkinson

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