Chapter 10 •Calum To The Rescue•

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Yesterday I got my dress, got my shoes, but lost my boyfriend, if you would consider him one. But to the whole school, it was one of the biggest breakups of the year. And the news spread like wildfire.
"Hey Rena are you okay?"
"What happened?"
"It's a shame. You guys were so cute together."
Was all I heard today, and to make matters worse, I'm stuck with him all day.
"Hey Rena." Calum says as I sit down at the lunch table, next to him.
"Hey Cal Pal." I say smiling at him.
"I was wondering, I know it's not big or anything, you know what? Never mind." Calum says babbling.
"No Calum tell me." I say smiling at him.
"Okay," He says taking a deep breath in, "will you go to prom with me?" Calum asks and I feel Luke tighten up. What the fuck is wrong with him? This is happening because of him.
"Aw thanks Calum. I'd love to go with you." I say smiling. He knows the whole situation I'm in, me and him talked about it last night. He smiles back at me, but his eyes widen when he looks at Luke.
"Are you alright mate?" Calum asks Luke.
"Yeah I'm fine, I just think it's weird you're asking Rena to prom right after we broke up." Luke says through gritted teeth.
"Well it's not like you actually liked her. You were only using her to make your slutty ex girlfriend jealous. And honestly it's not even "breaking up" if you don't even like her. Besides it was all fake anyways." Calum says, and once he finishes Luke is in lose of words.
"Whatever." Luke scoffs.
Rebecca isn't sitting with us because David didn't want to move tables, so she's constantly glancing at me. Oh did I mention? Luke and Rebecca are back together. Everyone expects it from Luke. Hopping from one girl to the next. Which is why I shouldn't even care. It just hurts so much. I thought my prom would be a magical night, where I go with the boy I'm head over heels for, and feel like a princess all night. Not go with someone as a friend, and being unhappy all night.
"Hey Rena what color is your dress?" Calum asks.
"Light blue, why?" I ask.
"I'm your prom date, remember?" He asks laughing.
"Oh yeah sorry." I say laughing too. "I'll send you a picture after school." I say and he nods and smiles. Out of the corner of my eye I see Luke tense up. "Luke seriously what's wrong?" I ask getting annoyed.
"I don't want you going to prom with Calum." He says and I scoff.
"I'm going to prom with whoever I want. And please keep this in mind, I'm going to prom with Calum because you're prom with Rebecca. I would still be going to prom with you, but you and her are back together. So I guess you're going to have to deal with me and Calum going together." I say getting mad. He can't control me. And definitely can't control who I go to prom with.
"Whatever Rena. Go with him and have fun." He says getting mad.
"Thank you, and you know I will." I say smiling and winking at him, just to make him even more mad.
"I'm going to get a water." He says madly, and storming off.
"Wow Rena. I didn't know you had it in you." Calum says jokingly.
"I didn't hate him for no reason that's for sure." I say laughing, making everyone else laugh.

I look up and instantly look back down.
"What's wrong Rena?" Rachel asks.
"Nothing." I say back, and Calum looks at the director I did. Once he sees what I saw he turns back to me and gives me a weak smile.
"You really love him don't you babe?" Calum asks and I just nod. Now everyone knows I love him.
"What are you talking about?" Rachael asks, and Calum just points to Luke and Rebecca making out. "Oh. I'm sorry Rena." She says.
"It's fine guys. I love him, but he doesn't love me. So I'm going to have to get over it one way." I say and Ashton chokes on his water.
"Wait you love him?" He asks and everyone face palms. "What? No one includes me in this shit. How was I supposed to know?" He says.
"Sorry Ashton. I must have forgot to tell you, but yes. I do love him, but you cannot say anything to him. Got it?" I ask.
"Got it babe." He says winking at me. When Calum, or Ashton call me babe it doesn't effect me at all. It's only when Luke does.

After a few more hours of hell, it's finally time to go home. Tomorrow is prom, and I still have some stuff to do.

Once I get in my car I check my phone and see that I have 3 new messages from Calum.
Hey could you send a pic.

Of the dress. Not anything else.

I'm not like that I swear.

I read the messages and laugh.

Yeah lmfao. I'll send a picture of the dress once I get home. How are we going to prom tomorrow?

Already got it covered babe ;). Just be ready by 7:30.

Okay I will. Don't be late cal pal

I'm never late babe. But seriously don't forget to send the pic. I need to know the color for your flower thing.

The corsage?

Yeah that!

Oh my god Calum lmao. Anyways I have to go. Bye

Okay bye babe

I sent my phone down and start the car. As I'm pulling out, I see Luke sitting on the curb. I pull up next to him and roll down my window.
"Are you okay?" I ask and he looks up.
"Fuck off." He spits.
"Hey I'm just asking if you're okay." I say getting mad.
"Yeah I'm totally fine. My car didn't break down or anything like that." He says scoffing.
"Okay cut the sarcasm and get in. I'll take you home." I say unlocking the door. What the hell are you doing Rena?
"Whatever." He says getting up, and sliding into the seat next to me. "I haven't moved since 6th grade, so you should know where it is." He says.
"Okay." I say and start to make my way down the street.

"Bye." He says before slamming the door behind him. No thank you? No apology? I did this for you! I just scoff and pull off. What a bastard.

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