Chapter 11 •Prom Night Part 1•

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A/n okay the picture is how Calum, Rena, Michael, and Rachel take the prom pictures. I know it's not them, just pretend it is. I chose the picture so you got the idea of what it looked like. Michael and Rachel are the ones kissing (obviously) and Calum and Rena are the ones who aren't. K bye love you guys XX

"Honey it's 7:15! Calum will be here soon!" My mom yells from downstairs. Me and Rachel rush downstairs, and put on our shoes.
"Rena remind me to never go man hunting with you." She says laughing.
"What why?" I ask fixing my hair, and slipping on my first heel.
"Because none of the guys would be interested in me. They'd all want you!" She says and I laugh.
"Yeah right! You're the one who's going to prom with Michael Clifford the smoking hot quarterback." I say smirking.
"Back off he's mine." She says laughing and pointing a finger at me.
"Oh I don't want him." I say winking.

After my mom takes about 100 pictures of me and Rachel, I hear a knock on the door.
"Girls quickly go upstairs! I want it to be one of those cute moments in movies!" My mom says quietly. Me and Rachel look at each other, laugh, then quickly, and quietly go upstairs. "I'll be right there!" My mom calls out, and she opens the door. "Michael! Calum! It's so good to see you two. You both look handsome as always." We hear my mom say.
"Thank you Ms. Champion. Are they ready?" Calum asks.
"Please call me Grace. And yes they are. Girls come down! Your dates are here!" She says and that's our queue to walk down my stairs. Once we make it to the front of the steps, where both of them can see us, their jaws drop. Me and Rachel both make our way down the stairs.
We reach the end of the steps, and the boys are practically drooling.
"You look..... Just.... Wow." Calum says looking at me.
"Thank you Calum, so do you." I say smiling.
"Rachel you look amazing!" Michael says and me and Calum awe at the same time.
"Thank you Michael. You do too." She says placing a kiss on his lips. They are so cute together.
"Let's get pictures!" My mom squeaks, and we all make our way outside.

"Oh my god look at that one!" I say pointing and laughing at one of the pictures.
"That's awesome." Calum says laughing.
"I think this ones my favorite!" Rachel says pointing to one of Michael and her kissing, and me saying no to kissing Calum.
"Me too." Calum says laughing.
"Guys you better go!" My mom says shooing us back into the house, and out the front door.
"Wow. Is that for us?" I ask stopping in front of the limo.
"Yep. Now let's go to prom!" Calum says and all of us walk over to the limo. Calum opens the door for me and I slide in.
"Thank you." I say before looking at the 4 people who are already in the limo. Luke, Rebecca, Ashton, and his date Ashley. Weird right?
"No problem." Calum says as he sits down next to me.
"Finally you guys get here! Let's just go now." Luke says throwing his hands in the air, and slouching in his chair. Me and Calum but give each other a questioning look, but soon shake it off. I don't want anything to ruin tonight. Not even Luke
"Okay, let's get this party started." Calum says and signals the driver to start heading his way.
"You look beautiful tonight Rena." Ashton complements me.
"Thank you Ash." I say giving him a warm smile. "All of you look amazing tonight." I say. I'm going to be nice to Rebecca, only to show how I'm this big person here.
"Thank you." Everyone says, excluding Luke and Rebecca, of course.

"We're here!" Michael says, and Calum starts to tickle me.
"Stop." I say giggling.
"I'm sorry, what did you say." Calum says, doing it even faster.
"Cut it out dork!" I say hitting his chest, laughing.
"You have to say "Calum is the best prom date of all time! And I'm so glad I get to go with my best friend ever!" " He says trying to sound like me.
"Hey! I'm her best friend ever!" Rachel says eyeing him.
"Fine fine! Best guy friend." He says, as he continues to tickle my sides.
"Calum is the best prom date! And I'm so glad I get to go with my best guy friend!" I say and he laughs.
"Of all time!" He says.
"Of all time!" I say back.
"Thank you." He says as he releases his hands from my sides.
"Get me out of this car before he does It again!" I say and everyone laughs.
"You guys are too cute." Ashton coos.
"Oh shut up Irwin." I say smiling and laughing.

All of us get out of the car, and Calum wraps his arm around my waist, and everyone else does the same to their dates.
"Let's go take those cute pictures!" Calum says pointing to the camera that's pointed to a white background.
"Okay." I say smiling and taking his hand. We walk up to the camera lady and start taking pictures.

"Aw look how cute you guys are!" Rachel says looking at our "typical" prom picture.
"Oh shut up look how cute you and Clifford are!" I say pointing to their picture, which in fact, is adorable.
"Why do you call us by our last names?" Calum asks.
"I don't know, Hood. I guess it's my signature thing to do." I say smiling as we head into the school gym.

Once we walk in, you can obviously tell one of the football players spiked the punch bowl. Either that, or all the sluts are acting drunk. Just like they do at parties.
"Let's go dance!"

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