Chapter 34 •Luke's Birthday•

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A/n k so I know that last chapter was supposed to be a date but I think this will be a good chapter. So pretend that they already had the date, and it's a few weeks later. K? K. Love you guys.

"Wake up Luke!" Me and the rest of the band yell as we stand next to his bunk. Being that we're on the tour bus there's not a lot of room for movement, so we're all squished into each other.
"Mmmm 5 more minutes." Luke says putting the pillow over his face, and turning the other way.
"Nope. Get up sleepyhead." I say laughing. I yank the pillow off of him, forcing him to face us. He's greeted by his best mates and me holding a birthday cake.
"Happy birthday!!" We all yell out. Luke smiles really big and sits up as we start singing happy birthday. And let me tell you, it sounded terrible. You'd think I'd sound good because, y'know we make our living singing. But no. Everyone was screaming, and out of tune. But I could tell Luke wouldn't have it any other way.
"Thank you guys." Luke says still smiling, and getting out of his bunk.
"Don't thank us mate. It was your girlfriends idea." Michael says and I can't help but blush. Luke turns to me and smiles even bigger than before, which I didn't think was possible.
"Thank you baby." Luke says kissing my lips passionately.
"You're welcome. Now go get ready." I say pulling apart and winking.
"Okay." Luke says winking, and walking to his bag. I walk over to the front of the bus and sit down so I can make a big paragraph on Instagram about Luke's birthday.
(Picture at top)
@RenaChampion: Happy birthday to this guy. Where do I even begin Luke? I've known you for 6 running on 7 years, and I can honestly say that they have been the best years of my life. You're such an amazing person to be around, and I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend. You always know how to make me smile and happy, even when I've given up. That's another thing about you, you never give up. Ever. For that I look up to you. And don't even say that I have to look up to you anyways, because I know! I can't believe you're 19. I remember when we were 13 and 14 back at your moms house sitting in front of the computer talking about how much we wanted to tour the world, and sing. How much we loved singing, and how we wanted to make a career out of it. Well look at us Luke. We did it. And it's so funny to think that you were scared out of your mind to upload your first cover to YouTube. You made me watch it over, and over again. Thinking it was the worst thing in the world. You didn't know back then that your voice made me melt. Just like your eyes made me melt. I'll admit that I had the BIGGEST crush on you growing up. And it looks like it hasn't gone away. I love you dork. Hope you have an *amazing* day :-) (btw you stole the smiley face with a nose from ME)

"What are you doing babe?" Luke asks as I set down my phone.
"Oh nothing. But you should really check Instagram." I say winking. He smirks and gets his phone out of his pocket. He starts to read my post, and he looks up at me and smiles. "Happy birthday." I say softly.
"Thank you." He says kissing my cheek bone.
"I've got plans for you birthday boy." I say smiling and getting up.
"And those plans consist of?" He asks, still sitting down.
"That's for me to know, and you to find out. Now come on." I say smiling and pulling him up.
"Fine." He groans out smiling.
"We'll be back later guys!" I call out through the tour bus.
"Alright. Bye." Ashton says as he gets food out of the mini fridge. The bus has been parked all night, and it isn't planned to go anywhere for about 8 hours. Which gives me enough time to go out with Luke.
"So where are we going?" Luke asks.
"Where do you want to go?" I ask.
"I thought you said you had something planned." Luke says laughing a little.
"I do. I planned out that I should let you pick where we are going. We are in Florida after all." I say connecting our hands, and swinging them back and forth in the space between me and Luke.
"Alright. I always wanted to go to the zoo here." Luke says and I smile.
"The zoo it is."

"Oh my god look Luke! It's you!" I say laughing and pointing to the penguins.
"Awe they're so cute! Look at them. They look so soft. Oh my god I want one!" He coos, and I can't help but laugh.
"You're so punk rock." I say laughing even harder now.
"oh be quiet over there, or I'm going to have to make you quiet." Luke says with a smirk and I raise my eyebrows.
"And how will you do that?" I ask being cocky. Luke pushes me against the cold glass that separates the penguins from the people, and crashes his lips on mine.
"Um excuse me, we're going to have to ask you two to leave. This is a family area." A guy about our age says as he clears his throat. We hear cameras going off in the distance; paparazzi. So me and Luke decide its best to just leave.

As we're leaving, I look back and see that the guy who kicked us out is looking at me. Once I look back he winks at me, and bites his lip. I quickly turn back towards Luke, earning a weird look.
"What was that about?" Luke asks.
"That guy just winked at me." I say, and Luke laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask laughing a little too.
"Oh nothing. Just that he's jealous of me, and he thinks that he has a chance." He says making me laugh again.
"We should head back towards the bus. It leaves in about an hour." I say and Luke nods.
"Thank you for the most amazing birthday. No one has done this for me." Luke says smiling.
"Anything for you babe."

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