Chapter 15 •Good News•

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"Why?" I ask.
"Because it happened with the wrong person, at the wrong time, in the worst way." He says shaking his head.
"You don't have to tell me anymore, I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I say and he sighs.
"Let's just save that story for another time." He says and I nod my head. "How about you? Who was lucky enough to spend a night in bliss with Rena Champion." He says and I laugh.
"I uh, actually never had sex." I say, and I swear Luke choked. "What?" I ask laughing a little. He's still coughing, and trying to catch his breath.
"I just thought you would have had sex by now." He says once he catches his breath.
"What makes you say that?" I ask confused. It's normal to still be a virgin at 17 right?
"Well I mean, you're amazing, and beautiful, and smart. I could go on forever Rena." He says and I awe and rest my head in his shoulder.
"I was waiting for the right guy." I say.
"Was?" Luke asks.
"Yeah I think I found him." I say smiling.
"Oh and who is that?" Luke asks with a smirk on his face.
"I'm pretty sure it's Calum." I say and he gasps. I start laughing and he soon joins in. "I'm so kidding, he's like a brother to me." I say still laughing.
"I know. He's a great guy. He took you to prom when I ditched you." He says and silence falls between us once more.
"Yeah." I say trying to wash it away. Luke opens his mouth to say something, but I stop him. "Do not speak if you are going to say sorry." I say and he closes his mouth. I just shake my head a laugh a little.

An hour past, and me and Luke have been doing nothing but laughing about our middle school memories, and Luke being a total "badass".
"There's no way in hell you did that!" I say laughing.
"I did too! I swear Mr. Lester was pissed when he found his cat green." He says through his laughs.
"That's so messed up." I say still laughing and shaking my head.
"What have you done that was crazy." He asks and I gulp.
"I've done one crazy thing that no one knows about." I say and his eyes widen.
"Well spill it." He says laughing a little.
"I went to Vegas and preformed one of the songs I wrote, and got 1,000 dollars." I say and Luke gasps.
"That's badass!" Luke says and I laugh. "You must be a really good singer." Luke says smiling.
"Well you can think that all you want. But you'll never know. Because I'll never sing in front of you." I say laughing a little.
"Awe come on babe." He says and my heart beats faster.
"Nope sorry." I say laughing a little.
"I'll make you sing for me." He says and I shake my head a little. "We should probably go home. It's 1 in the morning." Luke says and I shoot up.
"It's that late?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says laughing at how fast I got up.
"Oh my god, my feet are killing me." I say as we start to walk back to the high school.
"Here." Luke says as he picks me up bridal style.
"What are you doing?" I ask as he picks me up.
"Practicing for our wedding day. This is how I'll carry you down the aisle.
"Oh I have good news." He says as he starts walking.
"Really? Spill it." I say looking at his face and admiring his soft pink lips.
"The band is going on tour." He says and my heart sinks.
"Oh, cool." I say masking my hurt, and smiling.
"Yeah. We're leaving in a few weeks, once summer starts." He says, and all of my happiness drains from my body.
"I'm really happy for you guys." I say still smiling. "I remember the first time you recorded a cover to YouTube, and you made me watch it over and over again before you uploaded it." I say and I choke on a tear.
"Rena what's wrong?" Luke asks pulling me closer to his chest.
"I just got you, and now you're leaving." I say. I don't want to mention the thoughts about him cheating on me, or him moving on and finding someone else.
"It'll be just as hard for me. I'll miss you so much. But this is my future." He says and I nod my head. This is his future, and it's important even if I'm not in it.
"Yeah." I say moving my head off of his chest.
"Rena let's make a promise to each other, okay?" Luke asks and I sigh. "Let's promise each other that we'll wait for each other. And no matter how tempting it is, we won't touch anyone else." Luke says.
"Okay." I say. It's a good promise, and honestly I won't have any trouble keeping it.

Sorry for a shorter chapter.

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