Chapter 22 •London•

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"We're here." Sarah says as the plane starts to land. Butterflies fill my stomach as the plane gets farther to the ground, and pretty soon we landed and everyone is starting to get their things together.
"Hello everyone, we've just landed in beautiful London. First class is asked to leave first, then we will go on from there. Everyone have a great trip!" The pilot says from the cockpit. Everyone in first class starts to flood out of the airplane, but I stay behind so I can say goodbye to Sarah.
"Bye Sarah it was so nice meeting you!" I say as I walk up and hug her. She gladly hugs back.
"It was nice meeting you too. Hopefully you'll get on my plane again." She says and I nod my head, before waving goodbye one last time and walking off the plane. Once I get down the hall I see a man holding a sign that says Ms Champion on it. I quickly make my way to him and he looks at me.
"Are you Rena Champion?" He asks as he pulls his sunglasses down, so he can see me clearly. He looks likes he's close to my age, and I have to admit he's attractive.
"Yes." I say and he grabs my suitcase and starts to walk.
"Someone already got your other luggage, so all you have to do is go up to the studio and meet Adam." He says as we dodge our way through the crowds of people.
"Okay that seems easy enough." I say taking a deep breath and following him to a slick black car, similar to Luke's old one. It's so weird to say his name now. I know it's only been 2 days, but his name rolls off my tongue like a foreign language, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

I get into the car, and the man gets in the front and starts to drive.
"We'll be at the studio in about 10 minutes ma'am." He says and I nod my head. I should probably tweet about this.

@RenaChampion: London is beautiful you guys <33

"We're here." He says as he puts the car to a complete stop. "I'll be your guard this tour. I know everything you need to know, so if you don't know something, ask me. I'm going to leave you here so I can drop your other luggage at the hotel. I'll be back in time to pick you up, and take you where you need to be." He says and at first in overwhelmed.
"Okay thank you,"
"My names Erin." He says, and I think the name suits him well.
"Thank you Erin." I say as I get out of the car. Once I do I'm greeted by another man, who is a little older the Erin.
"Hello Rena I'm Adam. It's nice to meet you." He says as he extends his hand for me to shake.
"Hi. Thank you so much for this opportunity. This is like a dream come true." I say smiling and shaking his hand.
"It's my pleasure. The band you'll be touring with is already in the studio, so we'll go up there in a little bit to meet them so you can get to know each other." He says and I smile again.
"Okay sounds great." I say, and he starts to walk into the building, so I follow closely behind him.
"We need you to sign a few things so that the management knows you are apart of us, and that you're going to be producing music with us, and I'll be you're manager." He says as we walk into a room, that has a lot of papers on the desk.
"Okay." I say as I take a deep breath and sit down in the chair in front of the papers.
"Before you sign this, I want you to know that once you sign this, there's no backing out for the next 6 months. And after those 6 months you'll have the option to become a full time musician with our label." He says and I nod my head. "Also,once you sign the management has some control over you. It's technically not a bad thing. They do it to help your image, or how the society sees you. You may not like it, but if you sign the contract, you have to do it." He continues. I sit there and think for a moment. This is my future. Whatever they make me do can't be that bad right?
"Okay." I say takin a deep breath and sign the contract.
"The next paper is just a paper saying that you trust us with your safety, and that you agree to let us take care of you." He says pointing to the next paper.
"That's nice." I say smiling as I sign the next paper.
"And the last one is making you an official member of our label." He says and I take no time to sign it. "Alright and we're done." He says and I sign of relief. He walks over to the other side of the desk and sits directly in front of me. "Now I'll tell you a little bit about the band. They aren't what you call a normal band. They are great don't get me wrong, it's just they can be a little rambunctious, if that makes sense. But I think you'll be great with them, and I think that's part of the reason why I chose you. I think you'll help them a lot. And they'll help you too. It's a team, and you're apart of it." He says and it's likes breath of fresh air. "Are you ready to meet them?" He asks and my heart starts beating out of my chest.
"Yes." I say nervously. I really want them to like me, because we are spending the next 6 months with each other.
"Alright, right this way." He says as he guides me out the room, and walks down the hall, into another room. "This is her. You're new opening act." He says as he opens the door. I soon trail behind him, and see a pair of blue eyes. "Oh shit."

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