Chapter 21 •Airplanes&Fans Of My Own•

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"Are you sure you have everything you need?" My mom asks frantically as we make our way through security.
"Yes mom. Calm down, everything will be okay." I say laughing and smiling at her. Butterflies have been living in my stomach for the past day, and I couldn't be any happier.
"Okay. I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly for you." She says smiling and trying to calm down.
"And it will." I say as we walk to my gate.
"Alright we have about 30 minutes before your plane has to board so do you want to grab something to ea-"
"OH MY GOD! ARE YOU RENA CHAMPION?!" A group of girls screech as the run up to me and my mom.
"Yeah." I smile and they yell.
"COULD WE GET A PICTURE WITH YOU?!" One of the asks, still yelling a from excitement.
"Of course. But why?" I ask them.
"You're an amazing singer, and such an inspiration to all of us!" One of them says normally to me.
"Oh my god that's the sweetest thing ever. I love you guys too." I say smiling and hugging all of them.
"Could you take a picture with us?" One of them asks as she hands me her phone with a shaky hand.
"Of course. Mom could you take a picture of me and my new friends." I say and all of the gasp. How cute.
"Of course honey." My mom says smiling, and taking the phone from me. "Say cheese." My mom says as  snaps a few pictures. She hands me the phone, and I hand it back to the fans.
"Thank you so much!" She chirps.
"No problem. What's your names?" I ask them.
"You want to know?" One girl with blonde hair like mine asks.
"Of course. You guys are my friends. You guys are the reason I'm here. I owe all of this to you guys. So of course I want to know your names." I say smiling, and the girls screech.
"I'm Grace." The girl with blonde hair says.
"I'm Bethany." A girl with brown hair, and blue tips says.
"I'm Nicole." A girl with red hair says.
"And I'm Maddy." The last girl who has light brown hair says.
"You guys have awesome names! Make sure to tweet me the picture and I'll follow you guys." I say smiling.
"Okay!" Grace says.
"Uh honey it's time to go." My mom says and I nod and turn back to the girls.
"I'm sorry guys but I have to go. It was so nice meeting all of you!" I say as I hug all of them individually.
"Bye Rena!" They all chirp as they walk off. Once they start walking away I hear them talk about how cool it was to meet me, and that makes my heart melt.
"That was awesome!" I say as me and my mom sit down in the chairs as we wait for my turn to board.
"Yeah. I'm glad I was here so I could see you running into your first group of fans." My mom says smiling, and I can see the tears at the rim of her eyes.
"Hey don't cry mom. I'll be back before you know it." I say smiling and hugging her. Id be lying if I said I wouldn't miss her. Because of course I'll miss her. She's my mom!
"I know honey. I'm just so proud of you. And you're going out into the real world, doing something you dreamt about your entire life. It makes me so proud of you." She says and I can't help but shed a tear.
"Thank you mom. That's all I ever want in life, is for you to be proud of me. I love you mom." I say as I wipe the tears.
"I love you too honey. And remember that I'm always proud of you. No matter what you do, I'll be in your corner cheering you on. You have a great life ahead of you, make sure you live it." She says and I hug her one last time before its time for me to go.
"I love you mom. I'll see you soon." I say as I get up and hug her one last time.
"I love you too. I'll see you soon." She says hugging me back. She gets up and stands so she can wait for me to walk down the hall. I make my way down the  hall, and look back one last time before going our separate ways. Bye mom. I'll see you soon.
"Right this way ma'am. You're in first class." The flight attendant says as she guilds me to the front of the plane. Now this I can get used to.
"Thank you." I say as she puts my carry on luggage up.
"No problem. I'm Sarah, and if you ever need anything please let me know. Also I'm a huge fan of yours." She says smiling really big.
"Thank you so much. Would you want a picture with me?" I ask and her eyes widen.
"Oh my gosh yes! Thank you so much, I promise I won't be a bother." She says as she pulls out her phone.
"Oh you're no bother at all. You're one of my supporters, one of my friends. It's the least I could do." I say as she hands me her phone. We take a few selfies. Funny ones, cute ones, crazy ones. It was actually a lot of fun.
"Thank you so much Rena." She says as I hand her phone back.
"I should be thanking you for everything you guys have done for me. Thank you for being so amazing." I say as I pull her into a hug. "Tweet me the picture and I'll follow you." I say as she walks off. She smiles once more and nods her head before heading to the front of the plane. Maybe this new life won't be as bad as I thought. I could get used to this.

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