Chapter 29 •Beach Date•

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The day at the park was the last day I talked to Luke. Which isn't really a big deal to the management because they haven't found the "perfect time" for me and Luke to date. Luke hasn't made much effort talking to me either. He spent yesterday with Ashley. Because he said it was the "last" time that they'd be able to be with each other. Which in all honesty I don't believe. Whether me and Luke are "dating" doesn't mean he'd actually want to be with me again.
"Rena meet management downstairs." Erin says as he walks into my hotel room.
"Okay." I groan out, and walk out the door. I walk downstairs and see Adam talking to Luke outside of the business rooms. I walk by, and me and Luke make eye contact. This is the first time in 3 days that we've seen each other. The last time being at the park. I walk into the CEO, who I haven't learned the name of room. I sit down in front of him, and I can feel the same anxiety I felt just 3 days ago.

Pretty soon Luke and Adam join us, and the conversation starts.
"Hello Rena and Luke." He says as Luke sits down in the black leather seat next to me.
"Hello." We both breathe out.
"I think you both know why you are here. We think now is time for you two to date." He says and I breath in heavy, while Luke wipes his hands on his jeans. "And being that we are in sunny Los Angeles, we want you two to have a beach date together."
"Okay." Luke says with a deep voice, sending a chill over my body.
"We should get ready then." I breath out, knowing there's no way either of us are getting out of this.
"Okay. Have fun, and and pictures, and make tweets." He says and both of us get up, and walk out of the room.

Neither of us say anything to each other on the way to our hotel rooms. Once I reach my room, I get one of my many bikinis out and a pair of high waisted shorts.

Once I have everything together I hear a knock on the door.
"Coming." I call out to the person behind the door. I get my sandals on, and open the door. Luke is standing there with a bag, and ukulele. "Hey." I say as I see him.
"Hi." He says back. "Adam told me that were walking there. So that means handholding." He says and I groan out. Once I do a smirk stretches across his face.
"This is just like high school. Don't you think?" I say and he nods his head. "Except for now I don't have to worry about crazy ex girlfriends." I say and both of us laugh.

We walk out of the hotel, and Luke grabs my hand. If this was someone else, I'd move my hand away. But with Luke it's just a habit to intertwine our fingers. I look down at our hands, and smile as I remember all of the memories of us.

"I think that's a good spot." Luke says pointing to the empty area on the beach.
"Okay." I say smiling and walking towards it.
"Let's tweet about this." Luke says, and I remember why we're really doing this. Not because he loves me, but because management loves good images.
"Okay." I say snapping out of it.
@Luke5sos: Got to love being in the beach with that special someone :-)

I look at his tweet, and if I didn't know any better, I would believe that it was real. Now it's my turn.

@RenaChampion: Nothing like playing in the sand with him <3

I tweet out, and almost instantly everyone is freaking out.
"That was fast." I say laughing.
"No kidding." He says laughing too.
"Let me see the ukulele." I say and he hands it to me. I start tuning it, and start playing the spongebob theme song. Once I do I hear a camera going off. I look up at Luke, who has his phone in his hand. "Let me see it!" I say laughing,trying to grab his phone out of his hand.
"No you can see it on Instagram!" Luke says laughing, and putting the phone in the air so I can't reach it.
"Fine." I say laughing again. I pull out my phone and search up Luke's name.

@Luke_is_a_penguin: Listening to the SpongeBob theme song performed by the most beautiful girl in all of LA
(A/n Picture at the top)

When I see his caption, my heart can't help but beat faster.
"You're a dork." I say laughing, and shaking my head.
"Your dork." He says and I look at him. His face has no sign of him lying, or joking around. We look into each other's eyes for a few more seconds, before I break it.
"Was it true?" I ask and he gives a confused look. "Was what you said at the park true?" I say and I search for anything in his eyes. My heart is beating out of my chest so hard that it's knocking the wind out of me, making it hard for me to catch my next breath.
"Then show me."

OKAY. OKAY. OKAY. IM NOT OKAY NOPE NOT AT ALL. ARE YOU SERIOUS??!?!?! HE LOVES HER STILL!!! AND RENA WANTS HIM TO SHOW HER. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? IM SO HAPPY YET SO CONFUSED, AND IM THE ONE WHO WRITES THIS DAMN BOOK. But on a serious note, thank you guys so much for 1k reads. When I found out I screamed. I hope you like the book. Love you babes XX

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