Chapter 26 •Interview With The Boys•

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"So Rena, last night was your first concert. Am I right?" Linda, the interviewer asks as all of us get settled down.
"Yes that's right." I say smiling to her.
"That's amazing! You did fantastic last night. All of you did." She says smiling at us.
"Thank you." We all say.
"So boys tell me, did you know Rena before the tour?" She asks and I stiffen up. Remember what management told us Luke. No one can know we dating, no one can know we hate each other, again.
"Yeah we all went to high school with her." Michael says.
"I went to prom with her!" Calum says cheerfully, causing me to laugh.
"Is that so?" Linda says raising her eyebrows at both of us.
"Yeah. I had no one to go with, and he didn't either so he asked me at lunch and I couldn't say no." I say laughing, making Calum laugh too. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Luke's jaw clenching. I don't really pay attention to it, and soon turn back to Linda. Once I do I notice that the prom pictures are displayed on the tv.
"Oh my god. Look at us Cal. We looked good." I say laughing, and high fiving Calum.
"Yes y'all do," Linda starts. "Now Michael I have to ask. Who is that beautiful girl you are kissing?"
"That's my lovely girlfriend Rachel." Michael says blushing.
"And my best friend! Since like, forever!" I say and everyone laughs.
"Luke, I never asked you. What do you think about Rena being on tour with you guys?" Linda asks, and awkwardness spreads across both of our faces.
"I uh, think she's really cool to be around. And she's super nice. I've known her for a very long time. Ever since 6th grade." He says and I exhale quietly.
"Does Luke have a crush on Rena?" Linda asks, and Luke's eyes widen, and I face palm. We can't really react to anything how we want to, because we are being recorded, and it's being broadcasted all over the world.
"Uh no, I have a girlfriend." Luke says awkwardly as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Too bad. #Lena would be cute." Linda says.
"Lena?" Me and Luke ask at the same time.
"Yeah Lena is your ship name." Linda says laughing. Everyone laughs too, but I can't help but think about how #Lena already happened. And how I still wish it was happening.. "Anyways, are you all excited to travel around the world for the next 6 months?" Linda asks and the crowd gets excited.
"Oh my god yes. We couldn't be anymore excited." Ashton says smiling. "And we have a bitchin' new opening act. What could go wrong?" Ashton continues, making me and the crowd awe. "Oh crap am I allowed to say that?" Ashton asks coving his mouth, making all of us laugh.
"Yes, we'll bleep it out." Linda says laughing. "Alright we asked the fans to tweet us questions to ask you guys. Are you ready?" Linda asks.
"Yes." We all say happily. A/n I'm making up Twitter names.
"Alright this ones from @Luke_is_lyfe: Luke would you ever date Rena? P.s I love you!" Linda says laughing as she reads the name.
"Uh I like your Twitter name," Luke starts, making everyone laugh "and uh, I don't know. It's wherever life takes us I guess?" Luke says awkwardly.
"Alright. This ones from @RichChampion: Rena would you marry a fan? (I love you so much. Hints my last name :* )" Linda says and I can't help but awe.
"I love you too Rich! And of course I'd marry a fan. I'd marry anyone if I fall in love with them. Fan or not, I want to marry the one I love." I say and the crowd awe's.
"That's so sweet! Alright Michael this ones for you. @Clifford_Michaelxx:You and Rachel are so cute together! What's one thing you love about her?" Linda reads.
"Thank you, and that's really hard because I love everything about her. God I could go on forever, but one thing that I love a lot is her heart. She's an amazing person." Michael says and everyone goes crazy.
"You cheese ball! You're so cute to her I swear!" I coo and everyone laughs.
"@AshtonIsDaddy: Ashton would you ever date a model?" Linda says and everyone laughs at the name.
"Uh that name is just.. But yes I would date a model." Ashton says still shaking his head because of the Twitter name.
"And Calum this ones for you." Linda says as she scrolls through the questions.
"Ah finally." Calum says jokingly.
"@Calumshood: You and Rena looked so cute at prom!!! What was your favorite memory from prom?? Ps I love love love you!!" She reads and Calum starts thinking.
"Probably performing there. And dedicating the song to Rena." He says looking at me, and we exchange smiles with each other.
"Awe that's so cute!" Linda says. "The last ones for you Rena."
"Oo okay." I say sitting back in the couch.
"@RenaIsMom: Which band member out of 5sos is your best friend?" Linda asks and I have to think about the best answer. I can't say just one person, because then people might get the wrong idea.
"Uh I'd have to say all of them to be honest. I love all of them a lot. They're really nice, and are always there for me when I need them. So it's really hard to choose just one." I say smiling. Everyone goes awe.
"Thanks Rena!" Luke coos. You can just smell the fake radiating off of him.
"No problem." I say sending him a warm smile. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him, but that's the thing. I miss him and he doesn't miss me.
"Alright, well that's all the time we have for today. Thank you for coming in and letting me interview you!" Linda says.
"Thank you for having us!" We all say in unison.
"Bye everyone watching!" Linda says waving to the camera.
"Bye!" We all yell, waving to give camera.
"That was fun."

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