chapter 7

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Today was Saturday which meant I didn't have to babysit. The one day I had off and I was kind of thankful.

"Hey I am going out want to come?" Tatiana asks me as she walks out with a black dress on. She trips and struggles with her heels.

"Ooh where are you going lookin like that?" I ask, rolling over in my bed.

"Sammy and I are going to a bar and he is bringing some friends and he said I could bring some too, so I thought I would bring you." She says.

"Because I am your only friend." I reply smiling.

"Oh pssh stop." She waves her hand at me. "Wanna go or what?"

"Yeah sure." I groan as I lazily fall onto the floor. "But I have to babysit tomorrow so I can't be out too late!"

"Whatever!" She yells from the kitchen. I take a nice warm shower and then get out.

"Whatever shall you wear?" Tatiana asks from the doorway. I jump at her sudden appearance.

"Oh my god you scared me." I take a deep breath. She is looking at me and then looks at the bed.

When I look I see an outfit already laid out for me.

A pair of black skinny jeans and a grey long sleeve crop top. Next to it is a pair of black heels.

"Wow." I say sarcastically. "However should I thank you fairy godmother." I wave my hands in the air frantically.

She puts her hand on her hip. "Whatever I was just trying to help."

I wait till she leaves, then I close my door and get changed. I put on some makeup and then put my hair into a long french braid.

I take a deep breath and then walk out of my room.

"Come on my friends are already there." I hear a voice say in the living room. And its Sammys.

"We are waiting for Julie." Says Tatiana. I walk out.

"Finally!" Sammy says. "Come on!" We follow him out and I sit in the backseat. Tatiana and Sammy in the front.

"So who is all there?" Tatiana asks him.

"Umm Jack, the one you guys met yesterday." He says. I get butterflies in my stomach when I hear that name. Damn it.

"My friend Nate, Kenny, Nash, and Hayes." He says continuing on.

"Cool." Tatiana says.

We drive out to the bar and when we pull up to the curb there is a super long line outside the door.

"I am not waiting in that line." I say.

"Don't worry." He hands his keys to some guy. "We aren't."

When we walk up to the door there is a guy standing there. A big buff guy. His shirt says security on it and I swear I feel like I am in a movie or something.

"Hey Clarence." Sammy says.

"Hey Sam come on in." He says letting us by. I look at Tatiana and she raises an eyebrow in approvement.

The place is packed and is very dark.

Music is blaring and all I can smell is alchohol and sweaty underage teens.

"This is great!" I practically yell with sarcasm to Tatiana. She shakes her head.

"You'll have fun!" She yells back.

We follow Sammy around a corner next to a table and see a group of guys sitting down at a table.

"Hey guys!" Sammy goes over and goves them all little handshakes that honestly, I don't even understand.

"Guys this is Tatiana." He introduces her. "My girlfriend."

"Ooh Sammy!" One guy yells.

"And this is Julie." He points to me. "A good friend of both of ours."

I wave a little.

"Hey Julie!" Jack yells.

"Hi!" I reply sitting next to him.

"My other friend should be here in a minute!" Jack yells to them. As if on cue, Jack Gilinsky walks in.

My stomach does a flip and I can feel my cheeks getting hot.

He spots Jack waving at him and I just turn my head away.

I look at Tatiana and she gives me a look. I point my eyes to his direction and she looks.

"Hey Jack!" Jack yells.

"Hey man!" He replies.

"Jack you made it!" One of the guys says.

"Hey this is my girlfriend Tatiana!" Sammy introduces her once again. "And this is my friend Julie."

I look up and see the very handsome eldest Gilinsky.

"Jack?" I ask, trying to sound as surprised as possible.

"Julie?" He replies as well.

"You guys know each other?" Sammy asks.

"Yes, she babysits my you her brothers." He replies.

"Are you sure she isn't babysitting you Gilinsky?" A guy says.

"Shut up Nate." Jack says.

I smile a little and he make a face at him.

"Julie can I talk to you for a second?" Tatiana takes my hand and drags me away.

"Fuckboy?" She asks once we are in private and we can talk normal.

"Yes!" I reply. "I was hoping he wasn't going to be here."

"Why did you think he was?" She asks me.

"Long story."

"Dude he is hot."

"I know!" I say bitin my nails.

"Stop!" She smacks my hand away. "Maybe this will be a good time to get to know him better."

"Oh yeah sure, at a bar, with a bunch of his guy friends, and I will most likely have several drinks."

"Ease up dude." Tatiana says grabbing my shoulders. She faces me towards her. "You're off. He is just a person, not your 'co-worker' or whatever."

"I guess."

"Yeah now just have fun!"

I give her a hug and we confidently walk out towards..... all the fuckboys.


hey guys! omg so many reads i cant believe it! you guys are amazing!

i only just started this & i already have like 1.45 k readers like what??

i am really glad you guys are enjoying this story it makes me really happy!

you guys can comment, vote, or ask questions i will be happy to answer any or reply to comments.

love you guys! keep reading & i will try to update as much as possible! -m

qotd: how old are you?

aotd: 17 1/2 lol.

Babysitter // j.g DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now