chapter 12

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"What are you not telling me?" I ask Jack as we take a turn down a long narrow driveway.

"What do you mean?" He asks, acting like everything that had happened, never did.

"You are acting suspicious, and so is Sammy," I say.

"Yeah its like a mystery!" Daniel says from the backseat.

We take one more curved turn and right around the corner is a big house.

Like really big.

At least five stories high.

"Is this where Sammy lives?" I ask.

"Technically." He says.

We get out of the car and walk up to the front door.

Jack fumbles around and pulls out a key.

"You have a key to Sammy's house? Why?" I ask.

"It's technically not just his." He says.

He unlocks the door and we walk inside.

I gasp at the sight.

"Jack?" Sammy says from the staircase. I look up and he looks kinda angry, which is intimidating.

"Sammy why did you bring Julie's friend here?" He asks him.

"I don't know. I wanted to show her." He says. He comes down and walks over to us.

"What is this place?" I ask.

"Why did you bring Julie?" He asks. He looks behind me. "And your brothers?"

"Because we wanted to bring her friend back." He says.

"Okay well since they are already here then I guess we could give them a tour." Sammy says shrugging his shoulders.

"Julie!" I look over at the staircase and Tatiana comes flying down. She runs over and engulfs me in a hug.

"Tatiana! I am so glad you are okay." I say.

"Yeah I am okay. I was just a little scared when I woke up and didn't know where I was." She says.

"Who wouldn't be! Sometimes when I spend the night at my friends house I wake up and think to myself.. Where the hell am I. But then I remember, oh yeah I am at Trevors house! And then I feel better because then his mom makes us french toast." Daniel rambles.

We all kind of stare at him in an awkward silence at first.

"What?" He asks. "Its true!"

We all start laughing at him.

"Okay well let me give you a tour of this place." He says.

He guides us to a huge room to our left.

"This is the kitchen." Says Sammy. "Its not much but, its does the trick."

But it is so big. Two refrigerators, pantrys full of so many different kinds of food, and a giant window over two sinks that looks out at a nice garden.

We walk out of the kitchen and to the room to the right of the door.

It is the dining room. Its a giant long table with lots of chairs.

"Why are there so many chairs?" I ask.

"We have company alot." Jack says.

The chandelier hanging over the table is huge and is supposed to look like leaves.

We leave the dining room and go to a room that is at the bottom of the stairs.

"This is a bathroom." Sammy says. "One of seven."

"Seven bathrooms?" Daniel asks.

"Yup." Sammy says.

It is probably the biggest bathroom I have ever seen in my entire life. There is a toilet, a sink, a shower, a hot tub, and a bath. Its the size or a bedroom at least.

Next, we go up the stairs and to the left, a room all the way down the hall.

It is a giant room filled with bean bags of all colors. They are scattered here and there in front of several flat screen tv's.

"A video game room?" I ask.

"Not just a video game room, a board game room as well." He motions to a table over on the other side of the room that has an unfinished game of Monopoly on it.

"This is so cool." Says James.

We go into the room next door. Its a giant plain white room.

"What is this room?" Daniel asks.

The white walls are starting to give me a headache.

"Its our graffitti room." Says Jack.

"We just haven't done anything yet." Sammy says.

"Why?" I ask.

"We don't know what to put." Jack says.

"Hmm." I say, mezmerized by the mysterious room.

The room next to that is amazing.

It is a giant, deep, ball pit that takes uo the entire room.

"This is awesome!" I say.

There are slides and tunnels that lead into the pit as well.

"Maybe we can come here later?" Sammy says laughing.

"Yes!" Daniel says.

We pass the staircase to go up another floor and go to the room on the other side.

It is a giant arcade room. Filled with arcade games of all sorts.

The room after that is filled with nusical instruments.

"Do you guys play any of these?" I ask.

"Yeah, we sing too." Sammy says.

"You guys sing?" I ask astonished.

"Yeah." Jack says.

"I didn't even know that! I am going to have to hear some of your music then!" I say.

We go up another flight of stairs and all of the rooms are bedrooms.

Six of them. All of have one bathroom.

"Why are there six bedrooms?" I ask.

"More people stay here." Sammy says.

"Who?" I ask.

"Just some friends." Jack says.

There is one more flight of stairs that goes to the roof.

"And this is the pool." Sammy says.

The whole part of the roof is a giant pool. There is a waterfall that goes into it, and a slide. There is even a hot tub on the other side.

"This is so cool!" Says Tatiana.

"How did you guys get this place?" I ask.

"One of our friends got it for us." Jack says.

"Which friend?" Tatiana asks.

"Uhh you don't know him." Says Sammy.

"Okay fine." I say. I am starting to get sick and tired of all the secrets.

"Shall we go?" Jack asks.

"I want to go in the ball pit!" Says Daniel.

"Fine we can go into the ball pit before we leave." He says.

"Yay!" Daniel screams and runs downstairs with James at his heels.

I walk past Jack and Sammy with Tatiana to the stairs. I glance back at them and they are already whispering to each other.

"There is something else going on and I am determined to figure it out." I whisper to Tatiana. She looks at me and nods in complete agreement.

Babysitter // j.g DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now