chapter 16

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"Well that plan was a bust." Says Jack as we creeplily stare at the other Jack's house from behind a hedge.

We watch Daniel and James play in the front yard.

"Now how are we going to break in?" Tatiana sighs.

I look at her.

"That was never a part of the plan. We were never going to do that." I say kind of irritated.

"Don't take it personally Tatiana," Says Jack. "She just is having mixed emotions."

"Mixed emotions?" I ask him.

"Yeah. We all know you like Jack." He says. "No brainer he likes you back."

Jack likes me? Duh I mean who wouldn't? Wait Jack likes me? I thought he was just a very good loking natural flirt...

"Ooohh she is smiling!" Says Tatiana.

"Sshh!" I say. We look over the hedge again. James and Daniel are walking down the street with two other kids and go into the house next door.

"Nows our chance to-"

"We are not breaking in Tati!" I say.

"Have a better idea?" Jack asks me.

"Lets knock on the door."

"Knock on the door? Wait what?" Tatiana shakes her head and looks at me.

"What?" I ask shrugging my shoulders.

"Fine if you think thats a great master plan," I scrunch my nose. "You go knock on the door."

Tatiana points to me.

"Okay fine." I say. I stand up trying to look as confident as possible. Because I am honestly not feeling anywhere near confident.

I don't really know what to expect. Maybe a nice hello as he invites me inside.

I walk closer to the door.

Maybe he will invite Tatiana and Jack too.

I stand up straight at the door.

Nothing suspicious is going on and I can tell Jack and Tatiana I told them so.

I knock on the door.

What could possibly go wrong?

"Hello?" A girl opens the door. She has very dark brown hair.. but not black. Her face is so sharp and daring. Her eyes are shaped like very long almonds.

"Hi is Jack home?"

She cocks her head and squints her eyes.

"Why?" She asks.

I gulp. Why does she make me feel like this. The away she looks at me makes me feel like if I say or do something wrong she could just strangle me.

I look down at her hands. Her nails are so long. She could also just slash me with them. I gulp again.

"Madison?" I turn around and Jack J is standing behind me.

Madison? Jacks ex-girlfriend? Why is she here?

"Jack? You know this girl?" She looks at me with disgust. I cross my arms and raise an eyebrow. I am starting to hate her.

"Yeah she is my friend." He looks at me. "What are you doing here?"

"That is my buisness." She snaps.

"Well is Jack home?" He asks.

"Maybe he is." She looks at me.

"Can we come in." He asks.

"No I don't think thats a good idea." She says smirking.

"Who gives you permission to say that? You don't live here." I say.

She raises her very nice eyebrows and clenches her jaw.

"Who gives you permission to talk to me like that?" She looks down at me. Even though we are about the same height.

"I did." I reply.

"No one talks to me like that. So I suggest you two leave. Now." She twirls her long skinny finger to show us turning around and going.

"Come on Julie." Jack says.

I stare at Madison and her eyes are like fire. She stares back at me and makes me hot.

We go to Jacks car.

"What happened? Who was that?" Tatiana asks coming out from behind the hedge.

I turn around again and the door is closed.

"Madison." I say.

"Who is Madison?" Tatiana asks.

"Wait Julie do you know Madison?" Jack asks me.

"I might have heard from a little bird that she is Jacks ex girlfriend." I say.

"Let me guess, that little bird was Daniel." Says Jack.

"Maybe." I say quietly.

"Wait so Jacks ex girlfriend was at his house?" Asks Tatiana.

"Yes!" I say. "Where have you been?"

"Sorry." She says.

"Its okay I am sorry I got kind of mad. I just don't understand." I sigh.

"Come on guys lets go." Says Jack.

We all hop into Jacks car and drive off.

I decide to pull my phone out of my pocket and look at some of the texts.

Jack: Julie i am so sorry
Jack: Julie please answer me do not be mad.
There are so many I can't even explain.

The last one caught my attention as it was sent three minutes ago.

Jack: Where are you? you arent at your apartment.

Babysitter // j.g DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now