chapter 10

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"I will have two chocolate chip pancakes with bacon and eggs." Daniel says closing his menu. "And a large orange juice."

I look at him in disbelief.

"Thats so much food!" Jack says.

"I'm a growing boy I need my food." He says.

"How would you like your eggs?" Asks the waitress.

"Scrambled please." He hands her the menu.

"What would you like James?" I ask him.

He grabs his menu and points.

"A hamburger?" I ask him. He nods.

"But thats a dinner food." Jack says.

He shrugs.

"Uhh okay he will have a cheeseburger." I say shakin my head.

"Would you like french fries, salad, or fruit with it." She asks.

"Fruit." I say and James nods.

"I will have a ham omelet with hasbrowns." I say, handing her the menu.

"And I will have sausage and fried eggs." Says Jack.

"Alright anything else?" The waitress asks.

"No I think that will be all." I say. She smiles and walks away.

"When is our food coming?" Daniel asks.

"How am I supposed to know?" I say.

He shrugs.

I look at James and he is coloring on a worksheet they gave him.

"So how did you meet Sammy?" Jack asks me suddenly.

"Uhh we go to the same college. I met him and we became friends. He is currently dating my best friend." I say.

"The one that puked on you?" Jack asks smiling.

"What!?" Daniel says covering his mouth. "You were puked on!?" he bursts out laughing.

I look at Jack and give him a sarcastic 'thanks' look.

"Yes." I say.

"You and Sammy are friends? How about Jack?"

"Why are you asking me this?" I ask.

"Just curious." He says.

"Yeah Sammy and I are friends. I just met Jack the other day." I say.

"Jacks cool." He says.

"How do you know Sammy and Jack?" I ask.

"Sammy and I have been friends for a long while now. I met Jack in kindergarten, we became friends because we have the same name."

"Aww thats so cool." I say.

"Jack is so fun!" Daniel says.

"So is Madison." James says. I look at him and he is still coloring.

"James!" Daniel says.

I look at Jack and he is glaring at James.

"Who is Madison?" I ask curiously.

"No one." Jack says quickly.

"Here is your pancakes, eggs, and bacon." The waitress comes and brings the food.

"And the burger."

"The omelet."

"The eggs and sausage."

"Anything else?" She asks.

"No this looks great thank you." I say in the awkward silence.

"Enjoy!" She says walking off. James and Daniels dig into their food. I glance at Jack and he doesn't eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I'm not hungry."

There was a silence.

"I have to go, I will meet you guys later." Jack says. "Don't worry about picking me up anywere, I will walk."

"Walk?" I ask in disbelief. "It's so far!"

"Its fine." He says.

"Jack whats wrong?"


"Obviously there is."

"No there isn't!" He stands up and leaves.

I watch him walk out of the restraunt.

"Alright boys." I say to them.

They stare at me, waiting for the question.

"Who is she."


hey guys! hope you like this chapter!!

you guys probably already know whats going to happen so im not going to neccesarily say its a cliffhanger but.... its a cliffhanger! haha!

i also wanted to say THANK YOU for soooo many reads! you guys are amazing! i swear i jut barely started this story and i am so so happy you guys love it so much!

i am trying to update as much as possible! love you guys! keep reading!

Babysitter // j.g DISCONTINUEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang