chapter 21

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"He is a complete douche why are you upset?" Tatiana asks me.

"I don't know it just hurts." I reply.

"Maybe going out somewhere away from here will help." Tatiana says.

"Away? We have school!" I exclaim.

"Forget school, this is a crisis." She says. I smile at Tatianas optimism.

"Maybe hanging out with that new guy will help?" She nudges me with her arm.

"New guy?" I am confused.

"Grayson!" She says slapping her forehead.

"Oh yeah!" I reply.

"Did you forget about him already?" She asks. "I have no idea how you do it. After meeting him, he never would have left my mind."

"Okay okay!" I put my hands up. "Where do you want to go on this trip?"

"Lets go to...." She taps her finger on her chin. "Hawaii."

"Hawaii??" I step back. I thought she was just going to say another town, not another state.

"Yeah! It will be so fun!" She says.

"Okay but how are we going to get there?" I ask.


"How are we going to get the money?"

"We have money! Its not like we are completely broke!" She says. I start laughing.

I look at her pleading eyes and shake my head. "Fine." I give in.

"Yay!" She jumps up and down. "Lets go to Target,"

I look at her and raise an eyebrow.

"No! Not to see the hot guy... to get supplies for our trip of course!"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I remind her.

"Oh yeah but we aren't really a thing." She says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Come on lets go to the store!!" She grabs my hand and drags me to the car.

We arrive at Target and its packed.

"Why is it so busy today?" Tatiana asks. I shrug my shoulders.

We walk up and inside. There are people everywhere! Running frantically here and there.

"Holy shit what is going on." I say kind of scared. It kind of looks like the zombie apocalypse is about to happen.

"Oh look there is that guy I was telling you about!" Tatiana points to a really good looking guy running by.

"Hey Jack!" She yells. He turns his head and smiles.

Wow his dimples.

"Back again so soon?" He crosses his arms.

"Jack, this is my friend Julie." She turns to me. "Julie this is Jack."

"Jack." He holds out his hand. "Jack Dail."

"Julie." I shake it. "Julie Barlone."

"Nice to meet you." He says.

"What is going on?" Tatiana asks.

"Blowout sale. Everything is literally almost free." He says shaking his head in dissapointment.

"Why?" I ask.

"We are going out of buisness." He replies.

"That means you will lose your job!" Tatiana says covering her mouth.

"Yeah, but my buddy has something planned for me." He says smiling.

Damn it dimples.

"So why are you guys here? You guys like pre-black fridays?" He asks.

"Well we had no idea about the blowout sale." Tatiana says. "We are going on a trip and wanted to get some supplies."

"Oohh a trip? Where to?"

"Hawaii!" She exclaims.

"Hawaii? That is so stereotypical, everyone goes to Hawaii." He says.

"I have never been." I chime in.

"Yeah neither have I." Tatiana agrees.

"Hey I am not baggin on your trip. I'm just saying." He puts his hands up
in defense.

"Do you by any chance know a Grayson?" Tatiana asks Jack.

I look at her sharply. I don't want to talk about boys! I'm totally over them.

"Yeah I know a Grayson, Why?" He asks.

"We met a Grayson today and he said he had a friend that worked here." She says.

I want to walk away.

"Really, where did you meet him at?" He asks.

I am deciding whether I should walk away towards the two old women fighting over the last neon green hand
bag or the lost screaming child having a tantrum in the middle of the walkway.

"Julie ran into him at Starbucks." She says.

I jump at the sound of my name. I was so focused on leaving the conversation I forgot what I was actually doing.

"Cool." He says. "Maybe we can double date."

Dimples. Dimples.

"Yeah that would be fun!" Tatiana says smiling wide.

I huff a little.

"Okay well I better get going," He says. "It was nice meeting you Julie."

"Nice meeting you too." I reply waving.

He walks away to try and break up the old lady fight.

"So?" Tatiana stands in front of me.

"So what?" I am really confused. Everything is so hectic right now I can barely think straight.

"What do you think about Jack?" She asks me.

"His dimples are so cute." I reply.

"They are." She squeals. "What do you think about a double date?"

I shrug my shoulders. I can tell by the look on her face that she is getting a hint. The "I don't want to talk about boys" hint.

"Okay okay I get it." She says putting an arm around me. We walk straight and end up walking in the way of the screaming child.

"What do we need for our trip?" She smiles and so do I.

hey guys! sorry this chapter is so boring, plus i havent updated in like fifty years.

i am going to try and get back to updating more often than i am

i love seeing all of your comments and votes so keep going! thanks for all of it!

love you guys!

Babysitter // j.g DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now