Chapter 15

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"Julie why did you leave?" Tatiana walks through the front door of the dorm. She sits next to me on the couch.

"I just wanted to." I lie.

"Yeah right." She says and she stares at me waiting for an answer.

I shake my head.

"Fine its okay if you aren't ready. I'm sure someone will find out eventually."

I look away and hope she will change the subject.

"So anyway, last night before you passed out, I went to the bathroom. I ran right into this guy and he was soooo hot!" She smiles.

I look at her and motion her to continue, I like the sound of this.

"He was very handsome, he had brown hair and very tan skin." She smiles again.

I frown.

"He had hazely chocolate eyes." She looks up mesmerized.

"Did he by any chance have a very sharp jaw line?" I ask weakly.

"So sharp it could have cut me." She says. "Wait do you know who I am talking about?"

"Unfortunately yes." I say. "He was flirting with me this morning."

"He was! Lucky." She says. "Is that why you left?"

I shake my head. "No it was something else."

"Oh. Well how about I treat you to some frozen yogurt missy." She smiles and I nod.

We stand up and head to the door.

"Wait let me grab my phone." I stop her and go back to the table to where my phone was laying.

I ignore the what seems like hundreds of text messages from Jack and smile at Tatiana.

"Come on girl." She puts her arm around me and I put my phone in my back pocket.

"Are you paying together or seperate?" Asks the employee.

"Together." Tatiana says quickly before I could say seperate.

"I can pay for myself." I say to her.

"Don't worry about it." She says swooshing my away with her hand.

"Okay. Okay!" I say putting my hands up in defense.

She pays for our yogurt and we sit outside.

"It is so warm outside and its barely April." I say.

"I know right." Says Tatiana.

"So." Tatiana begins a conversation and I hope it isn't about earlier. But she is not able to finish.

"Hey strangers." I look up and the sun is being blocked by a figure.

"Oh hey Jack." Says Tatiana.

Not my Jack. Not that he is my Jack. Whatever. Its Jack J.

"Jack told me he was hangin with you guys." He says.

"We were." I say sharply.

"Well." He says awkwardly. "It was great seeing you-"

"What are you doing here? Don't you live on the other side of town." Tatiana asks.

"Well I was going to visit Jack at his house." He says.

"Was he not there?" I ask.

"Well yeah he was." He says.

"So why aren't you hanging out with him?" Tatiana asks. She looks at me out of the corner of her eye.

"Well he told me he was hanging out with you Julie."

I look at Tatiana fully now.

"Like I said.. I was hanging out with him." I sat irritated. But curious.

"I asked him if I could hang out with you guys but he said you were busy or whatever. I kinda understood, but now that I realized he was lying to me. I'm kinda butt hurt."

"We should figure out what he is or was really doing." Tatiana says.

Jack and I look at her and she shrugs her shoulders.

"Tatiana you can't just snoop in other peoples buisness and possibly break into their home just to see what they are up to." Says Jack.

I look from Tatiana to Jack.

"You are right thats a bad idea." I can tell he was being sarcastic but I wasn't.

"Come on can we please break into his house?" Tatiana pleads.

I look at them both with crazy eyes. Why or how could they even think this? They are insane!

"No." I reply. "That is my final answer."

"You're no fun." Says Jack crossing his arms like a baby.

"Stop whining." I say.

"Fine." Tatiana says getting up. I stare at her in disbelief.

"Are you going?" I scoff.

"Yeah. If he is lying that I need to know if I can really trust him." Says Jack. "He is my best friend."

"Guys." I say as they start walking away. "You don't even have a ride."

Tatiana looks back and I dangle her keys.

"How do you think Jack got here?" She smirks.

She crosses her arms and stares at me.

"Ugh!" I groan. "Fine!"

"Yay!" They both say and then high five.

"Can I eat my yogurt in your car at least." I ask.

Jack smiles and nods.

We walk to his car and the whole time I have this gut feeling. Where you feel nervous.. but you aren't. But I am bit anxious either. I just know something bad is going to happen.



i literally havent updated in a trillion years. i am so sorry. please do not stop reading its gettin real good.

thanks for all the votes! keep reading!

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