Rise And Shine

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(10 Years Later)

Ughh. I do not feel like getting up. If I wasn't running my own company I would just lay in bed all day.

I was starting to get up but felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I looked back to see Andy sleeping peacefully.

I know you're thinking 'What the fuck' but Andy and I have been messing around with each other, but it is not a serious relationship. We are like friends with benefits.

Andy is a good friend. Like after what happened when we were eighteen, I found that he was a good person. He's in a really known band Black Veil Brides (BVB). There music is awesome.

Jackson and I have opened up a photography company that really known. We have artist and models wanting to have their pictures taking by us and put on the page of our magazine.

"Good morning. Rise and shine." I heard a deep voice say from behind me. I turned myself in his arms and snuggled into his chest.

"Morning." I groaned, sitting up pulling my hair out of my face. "What are you doing today?"

"Practice. As usual. What about you?"

"Well I have five appointments today with a couple of bands. A meeting with Warped Tour manager and that's about it."

"I'd hate to be you."

"Yeah well I'm use to it. I'm gonna go shower."

"Can I join?" Andy husky voice asked, suggestively, sending a chill down my back.

"You asked that yesterday and look where that got us."

"Two rounds. One in the shower and another the bedroom."

"Hardy Har. That's why I fucked you dream girlfriend."

"Excuse me!?"

"I'm just kidding. Now leave before I have to kick your bony ass."

"Yes ma'am." He said, chuckling and running out my room.

I walked into my master bathroom, turning on the shower to hot hearing thousands of droplets hitting the bottom of the floor. I stripped of my clothes and stepped in letting the water run and cascade down my silky tanned smooth skin. This felt so good. Waking me up, massaging my stiff muscles.

After washing myself I stepped out drying off and getting dressed. Today I decide to wear some business attire, consisting a royal blue button up and a knee length black skirt and to top it off my leather heels. I straightened my hair and applied light make up on.
When I was done I walked downstairs to see Andy and Jackson eating a lot of breakfast.

"Morning Jack."

"Morning beautiful."

I forgot to mention but Jackson and I still live together. It might seem childish, but I can't imagine not living with him. When I looked up from my phone I saw that jack on was wearing something similar to me. He had on a royal blue button up, black skinny-jeans, and some black timberlands.

"Dude we're matching!" We said, simultaneously.

"Um. If this ain't weird. You sure you to don't talk telepathically?"

"Well I do. But I'm not so sure about Bianca. She's not so smart."

"Oh, shut it. We have to leave or we'll be late. Let's go. Every one out."

I grabbed a plate of bacon and eggs and left the house, locking up and going to my car.

"Really Bianca?" Andy said taking some of my bacon.

"Yes. I'm hungry. Now are you going to drive me?"

"Yeah let's go."

This is how my life has been for the past ten years. Can't say that it's been bad. It's been really great.

Everyday for me is. . .

Rise and Shine.

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