I Ran In To You, You Ran In To Me

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I was on my way home, but I started craving tacos and Jackson asked if I could stop by the store and get him something, so here I am walking around the store picking up random foods, that I should not be getting

As I was walking through the isles I ran in to someone else cart.

"I'm sorry. I did- Tony?"

"Bianca? Uh. . . Sorry. I wasn't paying attention."

"No. It's okay. Neither was I. So how are you doing?"

"Good and you?"

"I'm fine."

"Well you're looking good."

"You're not doing too bad."

"So, see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah." I waved 'goodbye' and began to walk away, but Tony called back to get my attention.



"Would you like to get coffee sometime this week, when you have time?"

"Uh, I don't know. . ."

"Its just to catch up, as friends. So what do you say."

"Uh, what the heck sure."

He pulled his phone out and handed to me, when I looked at the screen I saw he was in the picture with a cute brunette. So that's his girlfriend. She's really pretty.

I typed in my number handing him back his phone. He gently grabbed his phone and my hand.

"I'll see you." He winked.

"Yeah." Was all that I could mutter out, watching him walk down the Isle and around the corner. I can't believe he just did that. What the fuck. He's grown some balls within the ten years.

I was finally home. And currently eating dinner and watching t.v. with the beloved Jackson, who's being an ass as usual and laughing at some old man falling down.

"Jackaon, shut up. It's not even that funny."

"Oh come on, B. It's was hilarious. You know it was."

"Yeah, yeah."

Although the scene wasn't even that funny, I was content. Until my phone vibrated, scaring me and turning Jackson attention towards the phone.

"Who that?"

"I don't know."

"Your friend with benefits, Andy? That's who it is."

I just rolled my eyes at his comment and picked my phone up seeing that in fact it was not Andy, but Tony.

Tony: Hey, it's me. I just think that I needed to say hi, again.

Wow. I knew he was going to text me, but not this soon.

Bianca: Oh, hey. What did you want to talk about?

Tony: Who said I wanted to talk.

Bianca: I know you want to. You did this all the time, when we were younger.

Tony: I miss those days. I miss you. If I'm being honest.

Bianca: Tony.

Tony: I meant that in the most friendliness way possible :). I have a girlfriend.

I don't think so.

Bianca: Good. I'd like to meet her one day. If that's not crossing any boundaries?

Tony: Yeah. And no, it wouldn't be crossing boundaries. You're a part of my past that's made me. I think she would like to meet tou.

Bianca: Great.

Tony: So what about you and Andy. I thought you two like hated each other. Like what happened?

Bianca: Well things change, when you know why someone acts the way they do or does the things they do. I had to open my eyes and see the real him. He's a real sweetheart.

Tony: So are you two serious?

Bianca: No. I don't want a serious relationship right now in my life. It's a lot going on, you know?

Tony: Yeah.

Bianca: I am so sorry.

I don't know why but this is what I felt I needed to say. I feel as if I made his life hell, when I played with his emotions. When I made him fall so in love with me and I hadn't felt the same.

Tony: For what?

Bianca: The past.

Tony: So leave it there. I don't want to discuss the bad in our past. Only the good.

Bianca: Okay.

Tony: Okay.

Bianca: I'll see you and the guys tomorrow at your photo shoot. It's getting pretty late.

Tony: Yeah. Night.

Bianca: Night.

We'll that went pretty well. I guess. I don't think he was being honest about the the whole 'I miss you' thing. But I think it's good he didn't tell the truth. I think that we should stay far apart from each other. It'd be for the best. We just had a ran in.

I Ran In To You, You Ran In To Me.

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