Oh, Catastrophe

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I stared at the same thing as Andy did. It was a pair of underwear and they weren't mine. I don't even wear pink lace.

"Bianca. . . I'm so sorry. It wasn't suppose to happen. I swear."

"But it always does. I always pick the sorry ones."

"Baby. . . Babe-"

"Don't call me that! Why would you do that to me? I'd never cheat on you."

"What about the time with Vic in your office?"

"We weren't together! Just because you confess your love for me doesn't mean we're in a relationship! And you know what makes it worst," I whispered. "I was in love with you. And look where that landed me. Heartbroken. Again."

I couldn't hold the on coming tears. I let them spill. So many emotions at such a bad time. And it doesn't help that I am depressed, for what ever reason. This situation adds the icing on the cake.

I sunk to my knees and and sobbed out. Not seconds later, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around me. First thing came to my mind was lash out. And I did. I pushed Andy off me and smacked him in the face.

What I wasn't expecting was a hand to hit me back.


Shock ran through my body. I couldn't believe that just happened. Why'd he hit me. He's the one who that cheated. Yet I feel I deserved that, for being so pathetic, worthless, whorish. . . So unnecessary.

The hit had my face stinging with pain.

"B-Bianca. Oh, babe. I'm so fucking sorry. Hey look at me," Andy apologized, lifting my face to his. And I know that he saw the void of any emotion flowing in my eyes, after his action. I couldn't think anymore. "Bianca. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. It was an accident. A big stupid accident that I regret."

He continued to apologize and kissed my cheek that caused more pain.

I felt my chest began to tighten I was loosing oxygen. I took deep breaths. The slap had me silent. It hurt to breath, yet I showed no emotion to let him know.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, in pain. Physical and emotional. This was the aftermath of the hit. "GET OUT! OUT NOW!" Andy fell on his back scurrying to stand up. Once he was on his feet, her held his hands out. Slowly walking towards me, in a  cautious manner. Like I was some type of dangerous unstable patient. "I DONT WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN! LEAVE AND DONT COME BACK!"

Andy face was masked with hurt, fear, and guilt. He gave me one last look before leaving the room, and soon the house followed by the slam of the front door.

I continued to scream. Throwing things around the room. The screams filled with anger, hate and pain I felt from years ago. Those screams, echoing through the house.

"I'm not good enough for anyone. I'm not good enough for myself." I repeated, sadly.

My screams died down to sobs and whimpers. That one hit taking me back to Bruce. How he'd hit me and tell me I'm worthless.

Before I knew, it was around three in the morning. It was completely quiet, until my bedroom door squeaked, from how slowly it was being opened.

I didn't care to see who it was. The person came and sat in front me. The pulled my face up to meet theirs.

Jackson did nothing but stare into my eyes. He placed his hands on my cheeks and when he did I flinched from the pain that still reside there. He furrowed his brows and slightly turned my head to the side. When he saw the red mark he let my face go  and walked out of the room, quickly. Slamming the front confirmed that he left. Probably to confront Andy, but I couldn't do anything about it. 'Cause once Jackson is pissed and has a target, there's no stopping him. Another reason l let him go, was because I was too deep in my thoughts to care about anything, anyone, anymore.

Jackson's P.O.V.

I went to check up on Bianca. I haven't seen nor talk to her for a while. Since her and Andy started dating, I wanted to give them some space, so I moved back into the studio Bianca and I got before college. I thought it was a good decision.


When I went to see Bianca the house was quiet. I know it was early, but she wasn't answering her phone and I missed her. She's my best friend. I have to see what's going on.

I walked up the steps slowly getting closer to Bianca's room I opened the door slowly only to see it was pretty much a disater.

I went to sit in front of her and grabbed her chin and pulled so she could see it was me. She she looked into my eyes it hurt me. I was only to be met with dull, sadden, brown eyes. When my hands touched her cheek she flinched as if I pained her. I furrowed my brows bin confusion, gently turning her head to the side Binky to be met with the sight of a red mark residing on her once clear skin.

He hit her?!

I was enraged. All I saw was red as I nearly ran out the house and to my car. I know the best was to stay with Bianca, but I wasn't going to sit down and have another man lay his hands on my Bianca. No, not this time.

I sped to Andy's house. Ready to confront him, with a few words. . . And punches.

Once I arrived, I climbed out the car and knocked on his door. Once he answered, I met with blue eyes rounded with red puffiness, wrinkle clothes. Good, he know what he did was wrong.

When he saw it was me , his eyes widened and he began to back up only for me to grab the collar of his, already wrinkle shirt and slam him against a wall in his house.

The rest of his band members sat on a couch shocked. But I could care less.

I slammed him up against the wall again, before punching him in the face, drawing blood from his nose.

"Why'd you fucking hit her!?" I yelled, picking his limping body up putting him back in the wall.

"I love her. I didn't mean to it was an accident. I swear." Andy growled out.

"Why'd she hit you?!" I asked, still piss. He didn't say anything but turn his head to the side. I grabbed his face in one hand turning his attention back to me. "What did you do? Huh? What did you do for her to hit you? Answer me!?"

"I cheated on her with Juliet. It wasn't suppose to happen. It just happened. We had a few drinks and I made the biggest mistake of my life."

I punched him once one before letting his body slump to the floor.

"Don't ever go near her again or I'll really kick your ass."

I left his house before racing back to Bianca's house. Once I was through the door, I skipped the steps two at a time before entering her now clean room. She lied on her bed, allowing the early moon to seep through her window, crawling up her legs and arms.

I took my shoes and jacket off before going to lay behind her. As soon as I was behind her, she turned around pushing her face into the crook of my neck and cried silently. I rubbed her hair and back soothingly. Trying to comfort her.

I hate to see her cry.

I kissed the top of her head before she fell into a deep sleep. Her face scrunching up when her hair fell into her face. She was too beautiful to be hurt like this anymore.

I'll have to apologize for my behavior and not staying here with her.

I kissed the top of her head once more before I was pulled into a meaningless sleep.

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