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I couldn't help it any more. I've been sitting in the car for nearly an hour.

I climbed out the car and slowly and slowly and carefully walked up to the door knocking loud enough to be heard through the house.

She opened the door and smiled with so much love and happiness.

"My baby. It's been six months. Come in, we have to catch up on you."

"Okay ma. Lead the way."

On our way she talked about her new boyfriend and how much fun they had on the trip to Europe. She looked happy and younger. I haven't seen my mom like this in forever.

"Sounds like you two had fun."

"We did, honey. Thank you for buying the tickets for us. It was amazing."

"I'm glad you enjoyed your time."

"So what did you have to tell me?"

"Well. . . I'm sick."

She looked at me in confusion. Her eyebrows furrowed to the middle of her face. I pulled the paper out of my hoodie and handed her the paper.

She looked up at me, still confused.

"Read it mom. It's going to explain everything."

She unfolded the papers and began to read. He face expression changing from confusion to a sad, pallid, heartbroken expression. She shook her head no and began to cry.

The tears streamed down her face and so did mines. I felt like giving her this paper was hurting her, so in my head I was hurting my mom.

"H-honey. . . You have cancer and you're pregnant? Why did this happen to my baby." She wiped her non stop tears.

"Mom. . . I-I'm having twins."


"Yeah. A boy and a little girl."

My mom got to her knees and placed her hand on my covered stomach. As soon has her hands were there the babies started to kick like crazy.

"Hi. It's grandma." Mom whispered, jumping back when the kicked again. I pulled the hoodie and shirt up to expose my skin. It looks more weird.

"They look like aliens, don't they?" I said, giggling.

"Yeah. They do. You used to move so much too. You were a busy body. I couldn't rest without you kicking."

"I'm a mommy." I whispered.

"Who's the father? Andy?"

"Well. . . He's a possibility."

"Bianca. . . What are you saying?"

"I was with Andy, Tony and J-Jackson."


"Yes. I-I'm ashamed. I shouldn't have been so stupid."

"What happened?"

"A-Andy cheated on me and Tony w-was a fling. Then J-Jackson. . . He confessed his love to me. He said he loved me for 20 years. I knew he liked me when we were eight, but I thought the crush he had disappeared. I-I'm well. I d-didn't know this would happen. We did it and afterwards I felt guilty. So I told him and he screamed at me and told me that we're not going to be friends anymore. He left m-me. All a-alone. It hurt, because he was my best friend and h-he just l-left m-me."

My mom sat on the side of me and hugged me. Comforting me, wiping my tears and petting my head.

"Have you tried to call them?"

"Yes ma'am. But they never answered. Andy just doesn't pick up, Tony changed his number, and Jackson said don't call him back. He called me a manipulative bitch. It hurt hearing that from him."

"You don't need them. You have me. I want you to come live with me."

"I can't intrude on your time. You have a boyfriend, I couldn't."

"Listen to me. No man is ever more important to me than you. My little girl. Hell, if he doesn't like than there's the door."

I nodded my head and leaned my head on her chest, while she combed her fingers in my hair, motherly.

"I'm going to get some of my important necessities. I'll be back before nightfall, mama."

I stood up and walked to the door.

"You want me to take you?"

"No ma'am. I need some more time to be by myself. I wanted to make a few stops before coming back."

"Well okay. . . Are you sure?"

"Yes. I love you, mama. See you later." I kissed her cheek before leaving the house,getting in the car and driving back home.

After collecting my clothes, and bath necessities that now packed the trunk, I drove up to the same studio/condo that me and Jackson lived in during college.

I climbed out and walked in the building and to the elevator. I pressed the up button and waited anxiously for the doors to open.

I wrapped the large hoodie and my arms around my stomach. I was soon enough standing in front of the door. I pressed the button and waited for the door to open.

I was hoping to see Jackson openbthe door, but instead it was a blond girl, with a horrible tan.

"You're not the pizza man." She said, nonchalantly.

"No. Uh, is Jackson here?"

She nodded and left me standing there.

Jackson walked to the door and the second he saw me he threw his glass of beer on my face, getting my hair and clothes wet.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"I have something to tell you. It's important."

"Well, I don't care. You don't care about anyone else feelings so why should I listen to you?"

"I know you're mad-"

"Mad? I'm not mad, I just hate you." He scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"I know you h-hate m-me, but this isn't about either one of us. It's what happened because of what we did."

"Well in that case." He turned around and came back to pour more beer on me. "Now why don't you fuck off."

"Jackson, please."

"He said fuck off. Now leave." The blonde pushed me down and they shut the door.

He's just drunk. That's why he's acting like that.

I stugglednto get off the floor and wiped as much of this beer off me. I pulled the letter I wrote to him and stuck it in the mailbox.

I was trying to get away from him. From here. I nearly ran to my car and I started driving off.

Now I have a splitting headache.

I'm okay. I know. I'll just go back to

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