A Lonely Road, With A Surprise At The End

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A/N: Last Chapter!!!

After cleaning the whole house, I got rid of all the furniture, with some help.

When I was out shopping for new furniture, I ran into Kellin Quinn. At first I didn't notice him. It's been forever since I've seen him.

I told him about the accident, but left everything else out. I told him I was moving old furniture out to get new furniture and he offered to help. I was basically handicapped, so I accepted.

He left some time ago. I was sitting in the living room, reading. It's taken me three days to get this place cleaned, but I'm not even done decorating. I haven't painted the kids room or buy toys.

I was excited to do this. I know it wouldn't be easy taking care of kids that didn't know me, but it's worth a try.

I wonder what my mom named them. We never got to talk about baby names considering. . . . Well yeah, you know.

I was done decorating and cleaning the house. I was changing my appearance. I cut all my hair off. All of it. At first I was hesitant to do it, but after it was done I felt like a new person. Even though there was a massive scar going down my face. I was still beautiful in my eyes. I was the same girl a before, only with a clean slate.

I was going to start my family. A new life. I wanted to be happy again. I want a reason to wake up in the mornings or in the middle of the night, to protect, help and love my children. I want to make up the years I wasn't there for them. I want to take them to school on their first day. Help them with projects. I want to give them happiness.

I was crying now. Not sad tears, tears of joy knowing that I'd see my kids and be able to raise them. I wiped my happy tears and took a shower, washing away the past.

After I was down showering I climbed into bed and turned the night off. I was happy. Too happy to sleep. I put the pillow over my face and screamed in happiness. I finished my happy fit, before giggling and falling into a peaceful sleep, with a smile on my face.

My life starts tomorrow.

It was Saturday. The day I was going to mom's house. I was going to see my babies.

I made my bed and showered again. I let the water rhythm bounce off my skin. I washed the little hair I did have left. I wasn't bald, like Agent 47, I was like sexy bald head, if that's a thing. I still had hair, but it was cut short. You get it.

After rinsing my head and body of I dried off and put a pair of ripped skinny jeans, black boots and a gray long sleeve shirt on. I fixed my hair and little makeup. I wasn't really a big fan of it. Lip gloss and eye liner. I grabbed my purse and left the house locking up.

I climbed into the car and backed out of the driveway, going to mama's house. U am so happy. To no end.

It's like I see everything in a different perspective. It's probably because I've died and came back to life then I was set into a coma. It's probably why.

I drove down a very familiar street. I stopped when I came to a very very familiar house. I got out the car and walked to the front door.

Here's the start of my life.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I waited until the door was open. It wasn't mama that opened the door. It was a child. My child, my little girl. She looked exactly like me, only she had green eyes.


I busted into tears. Tears of joys. This was my child. I fell to my knees and embraced my baby. And she knew who I was.

"Yes. Mommy's here."

This is the end.
The end I tell you!!!!

This Sequel to Disaterology, was amazing, emotional, steamy and loving.

I know the last few chapters were sad and emotional, But it was all part of the plan. At least it ended sweet and heart warming.

Thank you! (For the millionth time) for reading Disaterology AND Yeah Boy and Doll Face. It means the world. Thanks for the reads, votes and comments and sticking around for this long.

Wouldn't be here without you guys.
See Ya later my Turtles ; )

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