Long Time No See

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We all just sat there in this award silence. I was hoping that Mr. Raymer would talk to his clients or introduce me to them, even though I already knew who they were. But no. He asked where the bathroom was.

"Bianca I'm going to go do this stuff for Jamison."

He was totally lying. Asshole. He does this shit on purpose all the time.

"But I need you."

"I'll be right back sweets. Promise."

Jackson walked out, but not before poking his head back in the door sticking his younger out making me laugh.

"So long time no see, huh?" Vic said.


"So how's it been?"

I looked up to see them all staring, as if they wanted me too answer something.


"I said 'how's it been'?"

"Good. And you all?"

"We've been great."

"That's good. So. . ."

"You made this business from scratch? All by yourself?"

"With the help of Jackson. But I guess we'll start seeing you all around here huh?"


"Did you cut your hair?"

I looked up to see that Mike was the one who asked the question. That was weird and random. Why does it even matter? Not like he should care. I just decided to ignore that question.

"So do you guys have any girlfriends?"

"Uh. . . Yeah."

"Great. I want to throw a party for you guys finally coming to my company and you all can bring your girlfriends. How's does that sound?" I said, asking the question to an incoming Jackson. I heard him walking in the hallway.

The guys looked at me in confusion. They suddenly turned their heads in the direction of the opening day and Jackson's voice.

"Great," Jackson said, walking into my office sitting on the edge of my desk. "Would you like for me to tell Jamison to start planning?"

"I'd love you to. Oh and could you tell him he has Thursday off, like I told you before."

"Yes ma'am. And I totally forgot."

"Doofus." I muttered.

He walked back out my office, taking my candy jar and holding up the peace sign.

"And he takes my candy once again."

"So. You didn't answer my question before."

"What question?"

"Did you cut your hair?"

"Oh sorry. My mind was going, but yeah."


"Are those tattoos?" Tony asked.

"And piercings?" Jaime asked, cutting me off before I could even talk.


"That's pretty cool. You really did change." Mike muttered.

"Well we all grow up."


Then silence filled the air once again, which, quite frankly irritated me. I really wish Jackson would come back. I send him on one errand he takes a hundred to do it.

Jackson comes back in, talking to Mr. Raymer. Thank goodness. I was hoping he didn't leave.

"Sorry Bianca. He said he got lost trying to find his way back. So I helped him."

"What a sweetheart. I'm really sorry that you got lost."

"It's fine, really."

"So the contract."

"Oh yes."

By the time we were done with the contract, it was time for me to go home. Mr. Raymer said he'd walk me out, so I let him. Along with Pierce the Veil. When we got outside we parted ways, but not before I looked behind me to see them all staring at the person sitting on the side of my car, with their mouths open.


I said my goodbyes and got in the car and began to drive home.

"So, how awkward was that meeting?" Andy asked, typing on his phone.

"It was pretty akward, but it was strictly business, so whatever."

"Yeah. Oh I'm going to be practicing tomorrow. Drop me off at home, yeah?"

"Sure. I need to be alone anyway."

"So you don't want to see me anymore? What a friend."

"Andy, shut up," I joked, slapping his arm laughing with him. "I'm just stressed." I pulled up to his house. We sat in silence.

"Well, maybe if tomorrow, you're still stressed, I'll help relive you. What do you say?" He said, suggestively, bitting on his bottom lip.


He put his hand up, caressing my cheek and neck. I leaned over the arm rest to give him a kiss. He grabbed the back of my neck, pulling me deeper into the kiss. He sure knew how to take my mind off things, but I should probably stop kissing him before it gets to heated.

I pulled away and continuously pecking his lips.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" He said, catching his breath.


"Text me."


"I mean it."


I fixed my position and started to drive myself home.

Wow this day was tiring, stressful, not my day.

Long Time No See, past.

Yeah Boy And Doll FaceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora