Even If I Could

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Andy's P.O.V.

It's was a little early and I was tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. Well because of Bianca. And because I couldn't stop the thoughts running through my head. I feel really horrible.! I am with Bianca, yet I couldn't find any way to stop thinking about Juliet.

I know it's wrong, but that's why I feel horrible. I was to meet up with her today. She seemed excited yesterday when I agreed to meet u with her so we can hang out.

When I got out of bed to get ready for my day, Bianca walked out of the bathroom dressed and ready to go. Any other day she looked happy and peaceful, but to day she looked. . . out of it. Like she was deep in thought. I don't know what she was thinking but I wanted to know.

"Hey, babe. Are you okay.? You seem out of it."

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine. I'm just tried is all."

"You sure?"

"Sure. But I have to go or I'll be late. See you soon."

Then she was gone. Without another word. I don't think she was okay. I hope she's not mad that I'm meeting up with my ex, Juliet. If she was then she had nothing to worry about. We'd just be catching up with each other, now that she was healthy and not dying from sicknesses.

I hope Bianca wouldn't be to upset.


I was done getting ready and on my way to see Juliet. I was nervous and happy. Nervous, because it's been about eight years since we last had a real conversation. I was happy for the fact that we haven't seen each other in eight years.

I pulled up to the park where she wanted to meet me. I saw she was sitting on a bench going through her phone. She was wearing black skinny jeans, black boots, and a big white button up shirt, with a a black spaghetti strap underneath. As I got closer to her I realised the white shirt belonged to me. It was my old, favorite white that I looked numerous of times, and all along it was with her.

I smiled knowing that she had it. I wonder if she knew it was my shirt, that she was wearing.

I called her name when I was close enough and took  a seat next to her, hugging her and sitting quietly. She turns to me and smiles again.

"So, Andy. How has life been treating you?"

"Pretty good. I'm in a well known, popular band. I have friends who love me and I don't think my life could get any better."

"That's good."

"Yeah it is. So what about you? You're looking as healthy as a horse."

"I feel so new, change, differently. All in a good way. Like I was just laying on my death bed, now I up walking around. It's so exciting. I thought I'd never get to do any of these things again."

"Well I'm happy for you," I said, muzzling her hair with my hand. She slapped it away and fixed her hair, while laughing. "So. . . what do you do on your spare time?"

"We recently I just signed to a record company."

"That's great. I'm really happy for you. I really am."

"Thanks. So what do you want to do today?"

"I don't know. Whatever you want."

"Great. I want to get a tattoo on my lower back and after that we can go to this new bar that opened up. How does that sound?" She asked, all happy like. Smiling showing her beautiful whit teeth. I couldn't say no.

"Yeah, let's do it."

She jumped up and danced around, with joy masking her face. She grabbed my hand and dragged me away to go on her trip today.

I knew we were going to have fun. What is the worst that could happen?

First it started with her getting a back tattoo, or in other words a tramp stamp. While she was getting it, I couldn't help but get aroused - shamefully - by the position she was in and the tattoo was hot. I really couldn't help myself, like it was really hard. And its not like she was some random chick. I have history with her.

But the whole aroused thing didn't help by getting a few drinks which turned into a lot of drinks. We were drunk and left the bar by the time it was night.

It started out with us grinding on each other. Now I'm pounding in her, as if my life depended on it. I'm cheating on Bianca, with Juliet. And what made it worst, was that I'm fucking Juliet in Bianca's bed. I'm such an asshole. But my drunk mind wouldn't process anything right now. Nothing.

When we were 'done'. I walked dropped Juliet off at home and went back to a place I called home. When I walked in the house I tried to clean up as best as I could. I threw away the sheets and pillows and got new ones. I flipped her mattress over and went to take a  shower. Before I stepped in the shower, I liked in the mirror to see the damage that was done.

There were scratches on my chest, shoulders and back. Hickeys littered my collar bones. My lips were swollen and I know that I fucked up bad. I showered and went to lay down. How will I explain this to Bianca? I was trying to stay calm, but I was freaking out.

And on cue the bedroom door opened showing a tired, sad Bianca. I sat up and walked over to her, but before I could do anything it all went to hell. She was looking near the bed, and when I saw the pink lace thong laying almost under the bed I knew I fucked up, big time. Bianca doesn't even like pink colored lace.

"Andrew! What the hell?! Whose are those?" She nearly screamed.

I'm so sorry, Bianca.

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