If Hate Was Rain, I'd Be Soaked

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(6 Months Pregnant)

I made everyone hate me, somehow and I am lonely.

It was raining outside and I just stared out from the balcony doors in my room.

I don't think I've left the room other than to get some healthy food to eat. I want the baby to be okay. I feel he or she has potential.

The could be more and better than me and the things I have done.

I've called my mom, but she didn't answer. I'd just go to her house tomorrow, knowing that's when she'd get back.

I called Jackson and he never answered, but when he did he didn't listen and told me to shut up and never talk to him again. He even called be a manipulative bitch. It hurt to hear that from him.

I called Andy, but he never answered either.

Then, there was Tony. That was a dead end, the very first time I called him his girlfriend answered and she told me not to call again when I asked for Tony. The second time I called the number, it said that the number no longer existed.

"It's okay. We don't need them. Mommy is going to be here for you. All you need is me. I'll give you whatever you want." I said, cooing at my baby bump.

I'm now six months pregnant and my stomach is on the small side. Me nor the babies are as healthy as we should, but they're more healthier than me and that's all I care about.

I stood near the door allowing the rain to gently hit against my growing bump.

The twins started to kick and move around when the rain hit my stomach. It felt so funny and weird. They move a lot. Like a lot, so I'm guessing they'll be happy babies.

My little girl and little boy.

Who knew that I'd be pregnant with twins. A blood disease and cancer at the age of twenty-eight.

I still get depressed, knowing that there's a chance I won't get to meet my babies, when they're born. I feel like something is going to happen.

I'm not sure what was going to happen, but I knew.

Still thinking, I left my balcony door open and went to lie down on my bed.

I wonder what mother is going to say.

I woke up and took a warm bath. I don't think it was safe taking a shower in the house by myself.

I sat in the water and massaged my stomach. The babies then started kicking as water covered the outside of my body. Maybe they'd be good swimmers. They seem to love water.

I soon got down washing up and got dressed in some sweats, which were probably the only comfortable I've had. I threw a large jacket that covered my bump.

I waddled down the stairs and out the house after licking the door.

I was nervous. My mom called me and she wanted to see me. I told her I had news for her. I brought the papers I got in the mail a few months ago so she could see what I needed to tell her.

Here we go.

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