My Undying Love For You

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"What?" I whispered, dropping to my knees, face in hands.

"I said I'm in love with you, Bianca. I've had an undying love for you that's fueled my reasons to get up in the morning. Just so I can see you. But it hasn't been like that lately. Ever since the night at the party, I've become driven by jealousy. I want you to be mines, yet you never even noticed my love."

"Jackson. . ." I whimpered.

"If any man is right for you it's me. I've been there for you for the longest. I know your one and every beautiful flaws."

I started to tear up.

"The way you scrunch up your nose when you have too much hair in your face. Or when you snort when laughing to hard." That's embarrassing! "How you squint your eyes cause, let's be honest you're blind as a bat. Or when you're nervous and wrap you hand around your neck. Or when you disappear to go read a book. When you sneeze like a rabbit, so high pitched and small. Or when you hate being alone all the time, you want to held and cuddled. And when you stick your tounge out the side of your lip when you concentrated on something. It's adorable."

He continued to ramble on about my flaws and how adorable they were. These same flaws I wanted to side from everyone and yet here's Jackson naming them off as of I have put them on a piece of paper and gave it to him.

I smiled on the inside and looked up at him smiling, staring off into space still rambling. His green eyes then met mines and it's as if I'm seeing someone else. He stares at me with adoration, affection, admiration, things I've never seen him look look at another person like this I can't believe it he really does love me.

Is this supposed to be how wanting him is to be like. I thought about being with him, romantically, but best friend shouldn't do this.

What if things go bad, what will happen then?

What do I have to lose? If I say no now he'll leave. If I say yes, feeling guilty, he'll leave. At the end he'll leave me.

I stood up and leaned against the wall. Looking for some type of air and understanding. Closing my eyes, I allowed the words to slip into the air.

"Jackson, you know this is wrong. . . What's going to happen if we break up?"

"We're not." He said, sounding closer.

I opened my eyes to see that he was in front of me, both of his hands against the wall, on the side of my head.

He leant down and put his face in the crook of my neck and planted hard, slow, warm kisses against the skin.

I shuddered in mere pleasure that was soon to rack by body. I can't believe, this was happening. Jackson continued to kiss up and down my neck, before grabbing the back of my thighs, under my ass and slid me up the wall, so he was inbetween my legs.

"Jackson. . . H-how do I know you love me?" I whimpered, from the loss of his lips against my neck.

Jackson green,swamp like eyes pierced my brown milky ones and he roamed my face with his eyes, breaking the eye contact before speaking.

"Cause' I'll show you real love."

Okay. . . So Jackson and Bianca are giving it a go.

Anywho, I am on Spring Break, so that means, before April 9 I want to finish this story. I'll be uploading lots and lots of chapters. Some will be long, short, happy, or sad. Who knows. . . Well me of course. . .

But THANKS for reading this. I know I say this a lot but it means a lot. At first I didn't think this book series would go anywhere, but here it is.

Now I'm going to stop talking and writing more. Has does that sound?

See Ya later my Turtles🐢🐢🐢

Yeah Boy And Doll FaceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora