Coffee and Kisses

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A couple days after Vic left my office,no hadn't heard from him and I was starting to worry. He never came when the rest of the guys came, for photos and meetings.

I was walking to my office after a meeting with Warped Tour Managers and Pierce The Veil. I was worry about Vic, until there was a body walking next to me.



"Hey, what's up?" I asked, glancing at Tony, but making sure I didn't hit a wall.

"You stood me up."


"A couple of weeks ago, you said, and I quote; "Would you like to get some coffee sometime this week?""

"No, that was you who asked. I just agreed." I said, giggling at his confused face.

"Well do you want to go get some coffee or tea or whatever you want?"

I looked behind me at the wall and saw it was almost time for my lunch break. Might as well go now.

"Sure. Let me just put my things away and get my purse."

"No. It's my treat."

"You sure?"

"Yes, now hurry. I thought bunnies were supposed to be fast."

"Yeah, well it's faster than a turtle." I sassed back. Causing Tony to put his hand over his heart and mock, his hurt, from the blow I just threw.

"YOU! Are mean and a horrible person. You hurt this turtle's heart," He pointed and poked his chest. "Right here."

"Sorry, yeah?"

"You're forgiven for now. Now go put your things away."

I laughed at him and walked to my office and put my things away, grabbing my purse and phone and heading back to Tony, waiting in the lobby.

"Finally!" He exaggerated, relief covering his face

Tony and I were sitting at an unknown coffee shop. It was great, because it was quite, not so busy and the coffee was great. At first we just sat at stable, occasionally sipping the coffee that sat in front if us.

Tony would look at me, while my attention was else where or so he thought.

"How's your life been?" Tony asked, grabbing my hands and interlocking our fingers. This action alone made my heart skip a beat. Tony was always the sweetheart. I looked at our hands and looked up to see Tony staring at our hands too.

"It's been good. And you?"

"It could've been better."


"If I could've had you to be with and stand by my side during the years, it could've been better. I missed you so much. I still miss you."

"I miss you too, Tone."

"I wish things didn't end, like it did. And I want to apologize for my behavior ten years ago. It's a little late on the apology, but I mean every single word. If I could turn back time and do the the right thing to make you mines, I'd do it in a heart beat and I'd try to get you back, even if it takes a thousand years, or in another life."

"I accept your apology. I accepted a long time ago. You are the biggest sweet heart I know and I love that about you. I also, want to apologize for, when I ruined your friendship with Mike, even though you two are so close now. And for playing with your heart."

"That was not your fault. I told you that the day it happened. He was being an asshole. And you didn't play with my heart. You showed me what I really want."

"Yeah, okay."

"I'm serious."

"I know."

I smiked, knowing that Tony would never judge me. . . again. Knowing that he would still be there for me. I don't know why but I squeezed his hand twice, just to confirm that he'd be there for me. And he squeezed back. Pulling my hand to his mouth, to kiss my knuckles and got up throwing away our trash and walking back to his car, with me following.

Once we were in the car, Tony in the driver side and I in the passenger seat. He looked at me, locking our eyes and he began to lean over the seat. His eyes going from my lips and back to my eyes. Till we were face to face. His lips half a centimeter away from mine.

"Tone. . ."

"You have a little cream on your lip." He whispered, his lips brushing against mines, sending shivers down my spine. Making the hairs stand on my neck stand in anticipation for what was coming next.

Tony laced his fingers in the back of my hair and crashed his lips into mines. This kiss was urgent and passionate. He pulled away, pushing his seat back and pulling me onto his lap and slammed his lips back to mines. This action causing my back to hit the horn. We laughed, with Tony pecking my lips continuously and resting his head on my chest, before kissing me feverishly.

Tony grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him, bucking his hips upwards. I my back hit the horn again, leading Tony and I into another fit of laughter. He lied his head on my chest again, playing with the ends of my hair.



"You are so beautiful."

I blushed from his comment and put my head down, allowing my hair to cover my face.

He cupped my face in his hands and pulled my lips towards his. Kissing me slowly and sweetly. Caressing my face, his thumbs brushing over my cheeks.

He pulled away and leaned back in his seat, pulling me with him. I lied my head on his chest.

Listening to his heartbeat, music to my ears. Tracing his tattoos, art to my eyes.

It was peaceful sitting here. I could get used to this.



"I think we should go now."

"I wish we could stay. And I could hold you all day. Until my arms fall off."

"And then you could hold me with your nubs." I giggled, followed by Tony's laughter.

"Yeah. And I'll nub you forever."

I giggle and Tony pecked my lips and let me to get back into my seat.

Tony dropped me off at the office, not before kissing me again and went on his way.

I went into my office andnclosed the door, leaning by back on the door and closing my eyes. Thinking about Tony.

When I opened my eyes I saw two flowers and and cards laying on my desk.

Who left this?

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