Surprise Surprise

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Andy dropped me off at work and I met Jackson up in my office.

"Finally. What took you so long?" Jackson asked, eating the candy off my desk.

"I finishing eating my breakfast."


"Yeah. I was really hungry."

"Oh okay. Oh Jamison called and said that you're first meeting starts in about thirty minutes. So let me get my camera and I'll meet you at the conference room. Yeah?"

"Yeah. Oh and on your way tell Jamison to make a copy of this and fax these over." I said handing him some papers.

"Alright see you in a few."

After five appointments or meetings, I only had one more meeting, which was with the Warped Tour producers and founders. I was so ready to go home.

"Ms.B?" Jamison said, scaring me a little.

"Yes. Your five o'clock is here."

"Oh thank you. Could you send them up and tell Jackson to meet me now. That boy just disappears."

"Yes, I will."

"Thanks hun."


I waited patiently, for Jackson. He finally walked through the door with a man, I've never seen before.

"Um, Bianca. This is Mr. Raymer. He's here to talk about having new clients."

"Oh yes. Hi Mr. Raymer. I'm Bianca Beaulieu, it's nice to meet you."

"You too."

"So what would you like to discuss today?"

"Well I know that you've worked or is currently working with some bands that participate in Warped Tour. I have another band, that have decide to switch photography companies. I just want to know that if you're okay with having more clients?"

"We'd love to. Are they here with you now, so I can meet them?"

"Yes. I'll go get them."

"No its okay Mr. Raymer. Just relax, I'll get them." Jackson said, enthusiasm running in his blood.

Jackson P.O.V

I walked out of Bianca office going into the waiting room, to pick up our new clients.

"Hey, uh, Jamison. You know where our clients are?"

"They are in the private waiting room. They are pretty famous. "

"Oh, well thanks. See ya later."

I continued to walk down to the hall making a few turns. When i got to the door, twisting the handle on the door, I didn't expect what was on the other side.

I opened the door letting it swing open.

"Hey gu- Oh shit."

Bianca P.O.V

I was patiently waiting for Jackson, like every other day. He always takes his sweet fucking time. And it didn't make it better that I was sitting here in silence with this man.

I heard the door handle began to twist. Me thinking that Jackson had saved my life, instead he brings me people that I would never see.

As the people walked in, I was greeted with past faces.

Victor Fuentes.

Jaime Preciado.

Tony Perry.

And Mike Fuentes.

I could see the shock all on their face. I was feeling the same way.

"Uh, hi. My name is Bianca Beaulieu. Welcome to my company."

I know they know that they know who I am. It's just I think it'd be unprofessional of me to know them and have 'such history' with them.

They just smiled, fake like, might I add.

The room was super quite until a stupid dude by the name of Jackson decided to talk.


Ugh. What an idiot. But he is right.

What a Suprise.

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