Accidentally in Love

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I woke up the next morning, blinded by the sun, perking through the blinds. I turned around to see Andy behind me, with his arms wrapped around my waist.

He said he loved me.

I couldn't help but to think about what happened last night. Everything coming back to me. I smiled to myself, removed his arm gently and crept out of my room, and headed downstairs to the fridge.

I walked into the kitchen to see Jackson sitting at the island, with his face in his hands.

"Bad hangover, huh?"

"You know it."

"Anything interesting happen when I left the party?"

"Not really. Except for Vic's girlfriend slapping the shit out of him." Jackson said, laughing at the end of his sentence.


"Yeah. Anything interesting happen to you?"

"Um. . . Andy told me something last night."

"What'd he say."

"He said, he loved me."

"Uh. . . Congrats.?"

"I don't know why, but I'm freaking out. I said it back, man. I said I loved him"

"So what the problem?"

"This wasn't supposed to happen. This love was by accident. What happens when his true love , Juliette, comes promenading down the street. I know, that he'd choose her over me any day." I hissed, silently.

"You can't think like that Beebus. He said he loved you for a reason. And wouldn't any girl, want their friend with benefits to finally come out and confess their love?"

"Yeah, that is why I am freaking out. I just don't want be hurt."

"And, I'm not gonna let that happen, as long as I'm around, I won't let it happen. I'll break his chicken legs." Jackson said, grinning like an idiot.

"Shut up, Jackson."

He just smiled and embraced me, in his muscular, yet slim arms, drowning me in happiness and safeness.

We pulled apart only for him to lightly and playfully punch my shoulder and ruffled my already messy. He kissed my forehead and headed upstairs.

Well that went well. I'm just so happy that I have people who love me and support me. I'll have to call my mom later.

I was too caught in my thoughts, I didn't notice that someone came downstairs, only noticed the arms that wrapped around my waist, pulling my body so my back met their chest, running their, long slender fingers through my messy hair.

By now, I knew it was Andy. He placed gentle kisses against on my neck and shoulders. Slightly tugging on my hair. I knew what he was doing, what he wanted. I turned my body around and stared into his azure eyes and at his roseate lips.

My eyes roamed his shirtless body to see the scratches and hickeys that bruise and littered his body, and yet he  still looked perfect. He caught my attention, thoughts and daydreaming about him with a simple kiss. A kiss that I couldn't reject, refuse, ignore even if I wanted to. But I'd melt into it as if my life depended on it.

Andy lifted me off the ground with ease and sat me on the counter, spending my legs, so he could stand inbetween them. Massaging my thighs sensually, swallowing my moans with his kisses, before they could surface and flow out from between my kissed swollen lips.

We kissed, and kissed and kissed, until we need to get air. He pulled my face closer to his so our foreheads touched, our eyes locked with each other, noses rubbing, slightly and our breath hitting our lips.

"Good morning, beautiful." Andy said his voice hoarse and deep, from kissing me and just waking up.


"You know. . . Last night when I said I love you. I meant it. I really do. Yet I feel so freak out, cause this wasn't suppose to happen, I wasn't supposed to feel like this towards you it-"

"It was an accident, but an accident worth it. How do you think I feel? I came down here and told Jackson what happened, how I feel. I just don't want to get hurt."

"I'd never hurt you."

"Words I've heard, but it still happens."

"Bianca," Andy said, sternly. "You think I'd fall for someone who doesn't know me and I don't know them. I've accepted you and your past and you've accepted me and my past. So if you're worried about me hurting you, there's no need to now. I promise you. You understand?"


"Yeah?" He asked, smiling at me genuinely.

"Yes. Now let me down, I have to go to work now."

"Can I take you?"


An hour or later trying to get ready, was difficult with Andy around, but we found ourselves out the house and at the office. . . On my desk. . . Making out, again.

"Andy. . . Babe. . . I have to start my day. . . I can't do it with you here." I said, throughout out the kiss.

"Just a little more time." He's said, for the millionth time.

Only way to stop this was by putting my foot down.

I pushed him away by his shoulder s and slid off my desk, fixing my skirt and buttoning my shirt back up.

"Enough Andrew. I have to work. Go home, practice or something, cause as long as you're here , I'm not going to get a thing done."

"Fine," he said, pouting. "I love you."

"I love you too. Bye."

"Can I get a goodbye kiss?"

"Fine, just one." I whispered, locking our lips together. And again, I find myself back on my desk, with Andy in between my legs, attacking my lips and neck.

Fucking, hell. I'm so turned on. Someone should really stop this before we go any farther.

We were interrupted with a knock on my door. That was quick.

I pulled away and looked Andy in his eyes to see the familiar azure eyes clouded over with lust and adoration. It was so hard not to kiss him again, after looking in his eyes.

I moved away from Andy, again. And fixed myself up and walked to my door, with Andy trailing behind. I opened my door to see Jamison and Vic standing next to each other.

"Morning love birds." Jamison said, smirking and fangirling on the inside.


"Vic wanted to talk with you."

"Oh, well ," I said, awkwardly. "See you later, Andy?"

"Always." He kissed my cheek and left my office with a head nod to the guys and he was gone.

"Come in ,Vic"

He walked in and I closed the door behind him walking around to my desk.

He seemed all jittery and nervous. What about though?

"What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"I said something I shouldn't have, to someone I shouldn't have said it to."

"What did you say?"

"My girlfriend slapped me last night."

That's what Jackson said. So it was true. Why is he avoiding my question?


"I told her I was in love  with. . ."

"With? Who? Dammit Vic!"

"With you."

What the fuck!? Are kidding me? So that's why a she  slapped him?

"Vic!" I screamed, groaning in frustration at the end.

This can not be happening.

Yeah Boy And Doll Faceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें