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Today was the day of the party, Friday. I was so excited for this party. I could finally let loose and get drunk. Jamison decided to have the party at a clib, instead of the office, which was pretty spacious.

Currently I was out looking for a dress at the mall, with Jackson and Jamieson. I need something that's black, which I don't see much of, until something black catches my attention.  I reach for it but so does another girl. We look at each other and when I look at her clearly I see that it's Tony's girlfriend and she's with some pretty redhead.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you. You can take the dress." She apologized.

"No. It's fine. You touched it first. Keep, plus it would look great on you."

"Are you sure?"


"Thank you, so much. Now I don't have to search for anything to wear tonight."

"Are you Tony Perry girlfriend?"

"Uh, yeah. Who are you?"

"I'm Bianca. I own the photography company that Tony and the rest of Pierce the Veil, come to."

"Oh he's said so much about you. It's nice to finally meet you. So I guess this is your party tonight?"

"Yeah. But it was nice meeting you.  I have to kinda get going. But I'll see you later."


I smiled and walked off. Well that wasn't weird. Why the hell is Tony talking about me for?

"So. That's Tony girlfriend? L" Jackson asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Yeah. She's pretty hot. Isn't she?"

"You took the words out my mouth."

"Uh, Bianca. I though you were straight?"

"I am. I just think she's hot."

"But you can't be straight and think a girl is hot."

"Yes, you can. And I am."


"Yeah. Now Jamison, help me pick out a couple of black dresses and heels."

"Uh, before "we" start shopping. Why am I doing here?" Jackson said.

"Well I need a man's opinion."

"Hey! I'm a man." Jamison yelled, his voice cracking at the end.

"Yeah. But you're a gay man. That's why you're here to make me look hot. And Jackson you're here to confirm my hotness."

"Why are you so sassy today?"

"James, I don't know. I don't know."

It's almost time for the party and I'm finishing up my hair and makeup. My hair is in body wave curls and my makeup is smoky-eyed, with mahogany lipstick, my dress is leather- that stops to the middle of my thighs- with lace sleeves and my favorite leather platform heels. I think I look hot. Well thanks to Jamison.

After I'm done, I walk downstairs to wait for Andy, but as I reached the bottom of the stairs I see Andy conversating with Jackson and Jamison.

"Hey guys."

They all looked my direction. Jamison looked excited- running over to me fixing my hair, that not needed to be fix- Jackson tilted his head to side and clocks an eyebrow admiring me, and Andy, his jaw dropped and eyes glazed over with admiration and lust. That same glaze I see every time I'm around him.

"So how do I look?"

I know the answer.

"Hot." Andy said.

"Amazing. Thanks to me." Jamison said, still fixing me up.

"Like my best friend, who's turned hot. It's weird, but hot." Jackson said, sipping his beer. He was already a little bit tipsy. I have to remind myself to not let him drive and not to get too drunk.

"Well thank you guys-" I was cut off by Jamison "clearing" his throat. "And Jamison. I wouldn't look this beautiful without your help."

"Well, I think you always look beautiful, it's tonight that you look sexy." Andy said, his voice becoming more deeper -just the way I like it- making me melt.

"That's why you keep you're eyes on her," Jamison said, walking away from me. "Cause you'd be mad if another guy try to get with a fine piece of ass like that. Or so I've heard from clients, who stares at Bianca ass all day. Bianca you have a nice ass, it runs in the family." he said, winking and smirking.

"James, really?"

"Yes. Now boys keep my cousin safe."

"Wait you're not going?" I asked, confused.

"Well I'm going to pick up my boyfriend, then I'll be at the party."

"Okay, see ya."

Then he was on his way out the house, to his mysterious boyfriend's house, who I've never met. Hmm.

"You guys ready?"

"Hell yeah!" Jackson screamed, running out the house to the car.

"Damn, you are so fucking beautiful and sexy at the same time. If that's even possible." Andy muttered,  grabbing my waist pulling me to him, so our hips were connecting and rubbing. He allowed his lips to ghostly slide on mines.

"Well, I'm living proof."

"I could take you here right here and now." He growled, bitting my lips, getting little lipstick on his.

"Easy tiger," I purred, wiping the lipstick away. "We have all whole nigh ahead of us. It'll end with us wrapped up in the sheets. I promise." I said, running my hand up and down his cheat, stopping at the edge of his belt buckle.

"Let's go now, or we'll stay home." He looked like he was restraining himself. Was it really that hard?

"Fine you're going to have the party of your life."


"Yup. I'm going to rock your world." I winked, walking out the house with Andy following.

His world wasn't the only one she was going to rock.

This was going to be one hell of a Party.

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