Photo Shoot

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I was currently trying to get Jackson to stop jumping on my bed. I woke up late and he's my alarm.

"Jackson, please. I'm up. You don't have to keep jumping. It's annoying."

"Promise you won't go back to sleep."

"I promise. Now leave!"

"See you soon, beebus."

I laughed at the old nickname and slowly climbed out of bed, letting the cool, crisp morning air caress my legs.

I walked into my closet and decide to wear something not so professional, but not so formal. A long sleeve blue shirt, black skinny jeans, and my black wedges. For make-up, I should do something light on the eyes and dark on the lips. Great. My outfit for the day is picked out.

I walked into the bathroom a looked at myself in the mirror. I really did change. I have more tattoos than before and my hair is still short. I think I should grow it back out.

I stripped and stepped into the shower, doing my daily routine. Once I was out, I did my make-up and hair, putting my clothes on.

When I knew I looked good enough, I headed downstairs to hear a bunch of guy voices. Hmm, weird. Only Jackson should be here. I walk closer to the voices to see Pierce the Veil on my couch and a annoyed looking Jackson.

"Uh, why are you guys here?"

"Oh. Hi." Vic said, waving at me. He never answered my question.

"Hi. But why are you here?"

"Oh, well your assistant Jamison told us that Mr. Raymer talked to you and said that we'd do the photo shoot here. So, they sent us here."

"Okay. Well make yourself at home. I guess. And good morning Jackson."

"Morning, beautiful."

"Can we talk for a second?"

He didn't even answer he just jumped up and walked to the kitchen, with me right behind him.

"Who the hell said this was okay?"

"I don't know. Jamison came by with them and left. Literally."

"Call him, please."


"I need to handle this."

I walked into my living room to see them all sitting at the couch.

"Hey guys."


"So, I don't know why you all were dropped off but, we going to leave and go to the office. Okay? Good."

I didn't even let them answer. It's a bad habit. I should remind myself to stop that.

We all left the house and split up. Jackson, Jaime, and Tony in one car. And in the other; Vic, Mike, and I.

It was quite quiet. No too awkward as the first time, I've seen them in ten years.

"So, how have you been Bianca?" Mike asked, turning his body slightly to see my face.

"I've been pretty good. How about you two?" I asked, bringing Vic in the conversation.

"I've been wonderful."

"Yeah me, too."


Soon enough we were at the office. And the first thing on my list was to confront Jamison. We walked on the elevator, waiting for it to take us to the 70th floor.


He looked up at my face in confusion.

"Why are you here?"

"No, the question is; why'd you drop Pierce the Veil, off at my house?"

"I'm planning that welcome to the company party, for Friday. And you told me too."

"I don't remember saying that. And it's Monday."

"Well you did and it's Thursday. If you don't believe me then here's the email. " he said, pulling out his phone, going to his email, I assume, and pushing the phone up to my face. I snatched the phone and read what I said. Oh shit. I did say that.

"How do I know that's me."

"Read the bottom."

I looked back at the phone and saw that it said: Sincerely, Bianca B.

"Well I want to apologize."

"It's okay. You a hard working, beautiful, smart, forgetful woman. I understand." He was being an asshole.

"Thanks. Now give your big cousin a hug."

"This is so inappropriate. We're at work."

"Aww. Come here." I said, walking around his desk and pulling his head into my chest, purposely. He was gay. So I knew a set of boobs in his face would piss him off. "Lay down on my bosoms, James. It's okay."

He wailed his arms in the air dramatically.

"Stop. This is so wrong. I'm telling on you. I'm going to tell Andy, Jackson and Mama B. Bianca I can't breath! Your boobs are killing me! Literally!"

I removed his face and yanked on his ear. Grabbing on his checks making baby faces.

"You're such a drama queen."

"Can you please stop. I have this party to plan."

"Yeah. But you know I have to mess with my little cousin, sometimes."

He just rolled his eyes and turned back to his desk, typing fiercely.

"That was a scene," Vic said, holding his laugh. "You two don't look related."

"I know. Now are you guys ready for your photo shoot?"

"What about the others?"

"Were here." Jackson said, walking in the room, standing next to me wrapping arm around my shoulders.

"You seem tired."

"You wouldn't understand."

"What do you mean?"

"I thought today was Monday."

"Seriously." He aked, hiding laughs.

"It's not funny."

"It totally is."

"Would you shut up? Go take some pictures, Mr. Larue. I'm leaving."

"Don't call me by my last name. And where you think you going?"

"To help Jamison."

"Okay. See yah."


Wait. Is today Tuesday? I'll ask Jamison.

Now that's all out the way. I have to get drinks for the party. Huh. Why me? Why can't I have it easy and take photos or be in a photo shoot.

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