The Platinum Capsule

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Kaidou Jin:

I closed the door behind me and sighed. What are you up to Grandfather?

I walked down the halls and made it to the dining hall right when Ishimori Rina pointed a gun at Uzaki Takuya. I stayed by the door and peeked through the small gap. Yamano Ban, his friends and my grandfather were all there.

"How could you betray us Rina?!" Takuya said.

"I'll answer that." Grandfather said. "There is something she just absolutely must have."

"Must have?"

"Yes. Kamiya Craft's... No. The Innovators technology, Optima."

"Optima?" The Takuya gasped. "Rina, you couldn't...!" She didn't reply so he continued. "So that's it. Your little sister needs the Optima technology." Optima...? What's going on Grandfather? I held my breath and waited for a further explaination.

"What do you mean?" Ban asked.

"Have you heard about the Optima technology for internal organs?" Takuya asked them. "Kamiya Craft developed the technology for use in their androids. That Optima technology can also be used to save the lives of many that are suffering incurable diseases and fatal scars. But it's never been used in medical treatment thus far. So that he can monopolize the profits from the technology, Kaidou has been blocking the governments approval for its use!" My eyes widen and I had just barely gasped at this. Why would he...?

"But that's...!" Ban said.

"That's terrible!" Kazuya said.

"Rina-san, that's why?" Ami said.

"I wanted to save my sister." She explained. "She's been suffering all this time. Yet no matter how much it hurt, she was always cheerful about it so that i wouldn't worry about her. Using Optima can save her! My sister needs Optima!"

"Rina-san..." Ami said.

"Do you understand now?" Grandfather said. "She chose her sister over you people."

"Kaidou..." Takuya said in a dark tone.

"That's dirty! You're just blackmailing people!" Ryu said.

"Blackmail? Hardly." Grandfather said. "The Optima technology is fully functional. In fact, you all have seen it at work."

"Eh?" What's he talking about?

"That girl, the one who's always with my grandson, Evangeline Mech." What?! "She is the first to have used the Optima technology."

"Mech? As in Hugo Mech? One of the scientist assistants from back then?" Takuya asked.

"That would be her brother." Grandfather told them. "Evangeline was just a 3 year old girl when he died. Not to mention she suffered some fatal injuries as well. She was the first to use Optima and she still uses it until now. Optima technology, combined with a specialized AI, is what has been keeping her alive for 9 years!"

"What...?!" I covered my mouth in an instant. Lucky enough, none of them heard.

"That's so horrible of you to keep something that would save people's lives just because you want the money!" Ami said. Grandfather...

"Professor Yamano, this is the collapse of your hopes." Grandfather said. "I'll have you slowly taste despair as you die."

"Dad!" Ban called out.

But the Professor just smirked. "We'll see about that."

"Eh? ... What's the point of bluffing now?" Grandfather mocked.

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