Back Together

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Kaidou Jin:

One whole year since I've last saw her, and now, we're going to be back together again. I stared out the window from the Duck Shuttle that Director Kaios owned. We (Ban, Hiro, Ran, Jessica, Yuuya and I) are heading to Brinton, where Professor Yamano was supposed to be.

"Hey Ban." Ran called. "I wonder how your father is going to upgrade our LBXs."

"I don't know, but I'm excited." Ban replied.

"Mom is going to be surprised, isn't she?" Hiro said to himself. "Since I'm coming to the UK without any notice."

"By the way, where's Otacross?" Ran asked.

"Otacross isn't coming with us." Jessica replied. "Since terrorism from Detector isn't a threat this time, he said 'You won't be needing me.'"

"But in reality, he just stayed behind to buy a first-come, first-serve limited edition figure." Yuuya interupted.

"Limited edition figure?" Jessica questioned in annoyance.

"Is that so?" Ran asked in the same tone.

"Oh right!" Ban said as if realizing something. He then turned to me. "Jin! I heard that Eva has been working with my dad for a while now."

I looked up at him and smiled. "That's right. Professor said that with her kind of brain, she'll be a good help to his research... Or something like that."

"Who's Eva?" Ran asked.

"You'll see."

The Duck Shuttle is preparing to land. Once at the airport, we met up with Mangoose and he drove us to the observatory where Professor Yamano should be. Along the way, we saw a lot of interesting things like the Clock Tower.

Once at the observatory, Mangoose dropped us off and then left. Cobra led us in and when he opened the door, we saw a large hall that led to many other doors.

"What took you so long?" A voice said.

"Who's there?!" Jessica was ready to fight.

A shilloutte jumped down and landed in front of us. "No need to be pushy. I'm Evangeline Mech. It's nice to meet you." She looked up and smiled. "And it's good to see you again, Jin, Ban, Haibara Yuuya."

"Well you haven't changed." I commented. Except her appearance. Her hair is a lot longer than it used to be, at least until her back. She still had the same maid-like outfit for now. Really, I don't know how she would find that comfortable.

"Good to see you too, Eva." Ban said.

Yuuya blinked at her and returned the smile. Ran, Hiro and Jessica just looked at each other with confused looks and Cobra had a serious face on.

"We've got no time to play games girl. We need to see the professor." Cobra insisted.

Eva glared at him. "Mr. Rude much?" Then she shook her head. "Since you're that impatient, follow me." She started leading the way but after a few steps she then turned back to us. "Well? Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there like lost scouts?" Well... Cobra did a good job pissing her off even though they just met...

I caught up next to her and the rest followed from behind. "So how are things with the professor?"

She smiled big. "Awesome! I got to help him out with a ton of equipment and computers and such! Plus, he helped me upgrade Dreamer!" She took out her LBX and showed me. "This is Dreamer's new design, the ultimate form of the Fairy types, Twilight!" It looked like the original Dreamer only with different colors and longer wings, and this LBX is using a katana instead of a dual-blade staff.

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