The World Sabers

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Kenbishi Hannah:

I woke up at around midnight and the first thing I saw was a blurry figure. I rubbed my eyes and jumped when I saw Nikolai and everyone else there.

"E-eh?! W-what happened?!" I freaked.

"Calm down. We just found you here a few minutes ago." Nikolai replied, sitting on the chair beside me.

"Oh. How long was I here?" I asked dumbly.

"All night, I suppose." He said. "But now's not the time to discuss that. Go get changed to your PJ's and come back here, we need to discuss somethings."

I hurried to the girl's locker room and quickly changed. After fixing myself up, I ran back to the meeting room.

Rikuya was on the couch and he had and ice pack at the back of his head.

"Was it really Ayabe-san?" Haruki asked.

Ayabe Renjirou was Isogai Gendou's caretaker of some sort. He's been given permission to be here.

Rikuya nodded. "When I opened the door, he suddenly attacked me."

"Ayabe took the parasite key?" Gendou said angrily.

Then the door opened to reveal the members of the fifth platoon, who had apparently gone out to look for Rikuya's DC Offencer.

"No luck, we can't find it." Nozomi stated.

"Neither could we." Tadashi stated. "It's not anywhere in the dorms."

"This makes no sense." Arata said. "Why would Ayabe-san do that?"

"Maybe he was part of Ezeldarm." Kiyoka stated.

"That can't be right!" Cathrine exclaimed. "I mean, Ayabe-san and Seredy just met for the first time here!"

"So was that an act?" Yuno wondered aloud.

"Ayabe-san and Seredy were in cahoots with each other?" Sakuya suggested a theory in which Gendou growled at.

"Seredy..." Arata muttered. "The World Sabers... Hey, who are the 'World Sabers'?" All of our heads perked up and froze at that name. Arata looked at us all. "What's up? Is there something wrong?"

"They're an infamous terrorist group." Yuno stated.

"I've heard a lot about them. They're a horrible group that's cause bombings and kidnappings around the globe." Nikolai explained.

"And what about them, Arata?" Muraku asked.

"Seredy said that he was one of those World Sabers." Arata stated.

"Really?" Nikolai asked.

"Yeah." Arata nodded.

"The commander of Ezeldarm is a World Saber..." Akane stated.

"Why the headmaster couldn't put an end to Bandit..." Muraku said. "Why Seredy, who strongely opposes the Second World was never evicted... It's because someone up in Management is affiliated with the World Sabers."

"Lets report this to Mito-sensei and wait for our next orders." Haruki stated.

Everyone agrees and one by one, we went back to our dorms. I had a room all to myself for privacy's sake... Or it's just pure coincidence. I took out my sketch pad again and stared at it for a bit. All I have to do is get the parts for customization...


Nikolai Yezerverk:

The next morning, the first thing we did was explain things to Ms. Mito.

"Alright, I will speak to the headmaster about this." She replied.

"May I come too?" Rikuya asked. "I must report to my father as well."

"Of course." Ms. Mito replied.

"Me too." I said. "My father's an ex-liutenant of the army. I'm sure he'll be able to help us find more info on Seredy."

"Very well then." She said.

"Then I'm going too." Arata said.

"The rest of you will wait in the classroom." Ms. Mito stated. And she led us to the headmaster's office.

Rikuya went first. He told his father everything and then the call went to the headmaster, but then for some reason he cut it off. Now it's my turn.

"Dad?" I said.

"Nikolai. How are things between you and your cousin?" He immediately responded.

"We can talk about that later. Dad, do you know about someone named Seredy Kreisler from the terrorist group, World Sabers?" I asked.

There was a pause until I heard a cough. "What about the World Sabers?"

"To put it simply, they're turning the school systems to a warzone... Well it already is a warzone, but well... I think you can guess the rest." I said.

"I'll contact some old connections. Be careful, son." He then cut off the line.

I nodded at the headmaster and then suddenly there was an all too familiar voice from the other side of the room. "What's the problem in letting me in?! I've gotta talk to the head master!"

"We can't let you meet him now-mo!" One of the metazawas said.

"Out of the way, you dumb robots!" Arata's voice shouted.

"No can do-mo! Nobody is allowed in-mo!"

"It's fine, Meta-chan." The headmaster stated.


"Move it!" Arata burst through the doors and landed face first on the floor. He then looked up at us and laughed sheepishly. The others who came were Hikaru, Haruki, Gendou and Muraku.

"It seems like Gen-chan's butler truly is one of the World Sabers." The headmaster said. "I don't believe I need to say this, but this is the greatest threat the Second World will ever face. If Ezeldarm... No, the World Sabers enter the Lost Area, they will manipulate the Second World and once again bring war and chaos to the real world. For now, we must protect the Second World as well as we can. For the sake of a world without war!"

"How long are you planning on tricking your students, headmaster?" Seredy's voice came from the school broadcasting room.

The headmaster stood up in shock. "Seredy Kreisler!"

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