Saving The Professor

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Kenbishi Hannah:

Once we were all in the control pods, Seredy gave us a briefing. He ordered everyone to go after an intruder in the Second World. When he showed us who the intruder was, we of the Allied Forces, declined the mission and decided to protect her instead.

Hanako lost her courage to battke, but after Yuno encouraged her, she stood up again. Gendou also came in from who knows where he's been.

Haruki used Tri-Cannon, Hikaru used Storm Sword, Muraku used Catastrophe Drive and I used Dawn of Time.

Arata fought with Dot Blastrizer G-Ext from the beggining and he used his missles and plasma cannons.

Muraku and Arata both faced off between Itan Kyouji and Kaito.

"Houjou Muraku." Itan Kyouji acknowledged.

"I'll be the one to fight you!" Muraku stated. And he charged forward as Arata and Kaito had their own little showdown.

Muraku was out matched by Itan Kyouji's Overload. He kept getting attacked over and over.

"And what do you think you can do without Overload?!" Itan Kyouji laughed like a madman.

At one point, Magna Orthus was slashed through the corebox. It neutralized all of its movements.

"I can't move!" Muraku said.

"Oh, how sad." Itan Kyouji made fun of him.

While battling other World Saber members from a distance, I can see Gruxeon preparing to finish off Muraku. Like I'll ever let that happen.

"Muraku-san!" I used Knight's wings as a shield and did my best to defend. "Get out of there!" I shouted at him.

He did and right after, Knight exploded and all I could see is a red screen.

"Hannah! Are you alright?" Muraku's voice can be heard.

I laughed slightly in reply. "Consider this as a thank you for taking care of Wataru." Purple gas came out from somewhere in the pod and all I could see was black.


3rd Person's POV:

"Hannah's gone now too?" Yuno asked.

Vanessa cringed. "How do you think... Wataru would react to this...? Muraku...?"

Muraku's grip tightened on the controls. "We keep fighting. Make sure all of our friends hadn't lost in vain."

And they kept fighting. Arata and Kyouji's battle went down to the Lost Area.

Unbenoticed to them, Mito Reina had reached the system's where her father was kept. Seredy confronted her and after he sensed Arata's Overload, he sent his LBX to find him.

Soon after Seredy found them, he interfered the battle and cause Itan Kyouji to become LOST.

Before that though, a plasma blast hit one of the giant cables and it ripped apart, falling down right on top of Seredy. His LBX stopped moving.

Reina hurriedly freed her father from the machine and the Second World was beginning to fall apart. The sky has cracks all over it. Water was overflowing through those cracks.

"The Second World's management level has breached the danger zone. The probability of collapse is high. Please find shelter ASAP."

All control pods that hace been locked are now open, revealing the students that have become LOST. Kaidou Jin placed his fingers on Cathrine's wrist and his eyes widen in shock.

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